Tams witmark license agreement

This new website includes the catalogues of R&H Theatricals, Samuel French and Tams-Witmark.

Welcome to Concord Theatricals.co.uk. Our new website is home to the catalogues of R&H Theatricals, Samuel French and Tams-Witmark. If you have previously worked separately with any of these imprints, you will now only have to visit one website and have one account for your licensing needs.

ConcordTheatricals.co.uk has all the resources you’ve come to expect from a licensing website. This includes a licen c e estimator tool on perform pages to provide a performance royalty fee estimate for your licen c e, without you having to submit a licen c e request . Many more features will be rolled out during 2020.

Here are a few helpful pieces of information to get started:

Account Setup and Registration

If you have previously licensed a show through R&H Theatricals, Samuel French and/or Tams-Witmark in the last few years, you will be able to view your account history from your customer dashboard. Simply provide the email address for your account to reset your password and log in!

Account Management

A new function of this site is Member Management and the introduction of Admin and Member roles in conjunction with a licensing organisation.

As part of the migration effort, we have maintained your relationship to the organisation(s) with which you have previously been associated. If you are the sole customer associated with an organisation, you are the default Admin user for that organisation. If multiple customers are associated with an organisation, the customer who has done business with us most recently has been made the Admin user. Any other customers are designated as "Members" of that organisation.

What this means: Admins and Members can all view and conduct business (purchase scripts, license shows, request perusals) on behalf of their organisation. The only difference between the two roles is that Admins can manage the other members of the organisation by:

Locating Your Past Activity

Once you're logged in, you can find your licensing and order history from R&H Theatricals, Samuel French and Tams-Witmark by navigating to your customer dashboard. When you click on your name in the website header, a drop-down menu will appear.