[MS-ADOD]: Active Directory Protocols Overview

Provides an overview of the functionality and relationship of the protocols that make up the client-server and server-to-server behavior of Active Directory. The Active Directory protocols provide directory services for the centralized storage of identity and account information, as well as storage for other forms of data such as group policies and printer location information, a foundation for authentication services in a domain environment, domain services, and directory replication services in Windows. The Active Directory protocols are specified in [LDAP], [MS-ADTS], [MS-SRPL], [MS-DRSR], [MS-SNTP], [MS-LSAD], [MS-LSAT], [MS-DSSP], [MS-SAMR], [MS-SAMS], [MS-WSDS], [WFXR], [WSENUM], [MS-WSTIM], [MS-ADDM], [MS-WSPELD], and [MS-ADCAP].

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