Initiation and development of projects; jurisdiction; acquisition of property; fees of architects, engineers, etc.
Development of projects by Secretary; financial assistance to public housing agencies. Rental rates; exemption from limitations of United States Housing Act of 1937. Funds of Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Administration of utilities and utility services; granting of easements.Removal by Secretary of certain housing of temporary character; exceptions for local communities; report to Congress.
Removal of all dwelling structures on land under Secretary's control; temporary housing exempted; preference in fulfilling vacancies.
Acquisition of housing sites. Sale of specific housing projects. Disposition of other permanent war housing. Sale of vacant land to local housing authorities; sale of personal property. Conveyance of land and nondwelling structures thereon to States for National Guard purposes.Extension by President of dates for disposal and other actions relating to housing under this subchapter.
Establishment of income limitations for occupancy of housing; effect on prior tenants. Transfer of certain housing to Indians. Undisposed housing. Definitions.Loans or grants for community facilities or services; conditions; maximum amounts; annual adjustments.
Secretary's powers with respect to housing, facilities, and services. Interagency transfers of property; application of rules and regulations.Preservation of local civil and criminal jurisdiction, and civil rights; jurisdiction of State courts.
Payment of annual sums to local authorities in lieu of taxes.Conditions and requirements as to contracts; utilization of existing facilities; disposition of facilities constructed by United States.
Laborers and mechanics. Disposition of moneys derived from rentals, operation, and disposition of property. Determination of fair rentals and classes of occupants by Secretary. 1592l. Authorization of appropriations. Transfer of functions and funds in certain cases. Definitions. 1592o. Powers of Surgeon General of Public Health Service.Acquisition of military housing financed under Armed Services Housing Mortgage Insurance Fund and rental housing at military bases.
1594a–1, 1594a–2. Repealed.Maintenance and operation of housing; use of quarters; payment of principal, interest, and other obligations.
Services of architects and engineers; use of appropriations; acquisition of sites. Appropriations; use of quarters allowances. Definitions. Net floor area limitations. 1594g to 1594k. Repealed.CHAPTER 9 -HOUSING OF PERSONS ENGAGED IN NATIONAL DEFENSE!@!SUBCHAPTER I-PROJECTS GENERALLY -->
In connection with the national defense program, the Departments of the Navy, Army, and Air Force and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development are authorized to cooperate in making necessary housing available for persons engaged in national defense activities, as provided in this subchapter. "Persons engaged in national defense activities" (as that term is used in this subchapter) shall include (i) enlisted men with families, who are in the naval and military service and officers of the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps not above the grade of captain, and officers of the Navy and Coast Guard, not above the grade of lieutenant and employees of the Departments of the Navy, Army, and Air Force who are assigned to duty at naval or military reservations, posts, or bases, and (ii) workers with families, who are engaged or to be engaged in industries connected with and essential to the national defense program. No project shall be developed or assisted for the purposes of this subchapter except with the approval of the President and upon a determination by him that there is an acute shortage of housing in the locality involved which impedes the national defense program.
1942—Act Oct. 26, 1942, substituted "and officers of the Army and Marine Corps not above the grade of captain, and officers of the Navy and Coast Guard, not above the grade of lieutenant" for "(excluding officers)".
Department of the Air Force inserted to conform to act July 26, 1947, ch. 343, title II, §207(a), (f), 61 Stat. 502 , 503, and Secretary of Defense Transfer Orders No. 14, eff. July 1, 1948, and No. 40 [App. B (123)], July 22, 1949. Department of War designated Department of the Army and title of Secretary of War changed to Secretary of the Army by act July 26, 1947, ch. 343, title II, §205(a), 61 Stat. 501 . Sections 205(a) and 207(a), (f) of act July 26, 1947, were repealed by act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, §53, 70A Stat. 641 . Act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, §1, 70A Stat. 1 , enacted "Title 10, Armed Forces", which in sections 3010 to 3013 and 8010 to 8013 continued Departments of Army and Air Force under administrative supervision of Secretary of the Army and Secretary of the Air Force, respectively.
Act Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, §1, 65 Stat. 293 , provided: "That this Act [enacting sections 1507, 1589a, 1589b, and 1591 to 1593e of this title , sections 1701g–1 to 1701g–3, 1701i–1, 1715g, 1715h, 1716a, 1748g–1, 1750, 1750a, and 1750b to 1750g of Title 12 , Banks and Banking, and former section 2136 of the former Appendix to Title 50, War and National Defense, amended sections 1584 and 1585 of this title , sections 371, 1430, 1701g, 1701j, 1702, 1706, 1710, 1713, 1715c, 1715d, 1715f, 1716, 1743, 1747a, 1747f, and 1747l, 1748b of Title 12 , and former section 2135 of the former Appendix to Title 50, and enacted provisions set out as notes under section 1591 of this title and section 1748b of Title 12 ] may be cited as the 'Defense Housing and Community Facilities and Services Act'."
Act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, 54 Stat. 1125 , which is classified to subchapters II to VII of this chapter, is popularly known as the "Lanham Public War Housing Act".
For transfer of authorities, functions, personnel, and assets of the Coast Guard, including the authorities and functions of the Secretary of Transportation relating thereto, to the Department of Homeland Security, and for treatment of related references, see sections 468(b), 551(d), 552(d), and 557 of Title 6 , Domestic Security, and the Department of Homeland Security Reorganization Plan of November 25, 2002, as modified, set out as a note under section 542 of Title 6 .
Functions of Public Housing Administration and Housing and Home Finance Agency (of which Public Housing Administration was a constituent agency) and of heads thereof transferred to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development by
§5(a), Sept. 9, 1965, 79 Stat. 669 , which is classified to section 3534(a) of this title . Section 9(c) of such act, set out as a note under section 3531 of this title , provided that references to Housing and Home Finance Agency or to any agency or officer therein are to be deemed to mean Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and that Housing and Home Finance Agency and Public Housing Administration have lapsed.
United States Housing Authority consolidated into Housing and Home Finance Agency by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1947, §1, eff. July 27, 1947, 12 F.R. 4981, 61 Stat. 954 , set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, and name of Authority changed to Public Housing Administration by section 4(a) of such Plan. Section 9 of Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1947 abolished office of Administrator of United States Housing Authority, whose functions were transferred by section 4 of such Plan to Public Housing Commissioner.
(a) Projects may be initiated under this subchapter by the Department of the Navy or Army or the Air Force to provide dwellings on or near naval or military reservations, posts or bases for rental to the officers, enlisted men and employees of the Departments of the Navy, Army, and Air Force described in section 1501 of this title . Such projects shall be developed by the Department of the Navy or Army or the Air Force or by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, whichever the President determines is better suited to the fulfillment of the purposes of this subchapter with respect to any particular project. If the development of such project is to be undertaken by the Department of the Navy or Army or Air Force, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is authorized to aid the development of the project by furnishing technical assistance and by transferring to such Department the funds necessary for the development of the project. Any project developed for the purpose of this section shall be leased to the Department of the Navy or Army or Air Force by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (who shall have title to such project until repayment of the cost thereof to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development as prescribed in such lease) upon such terms as shall be prescribed in the lease, which may be the same terms as are authorized by the United States Housing Act of 1937 [ 42 U.S.C. 1437 et seq. ], with respect to leases to public housing agencies. All the provisions of said Act which apply to the development of projects by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall (insofar as applicable and not inconsistent herewith) apply to the development of projects by the Department of the Navy or Army or Air Force. Notwithstanding other provisions of this or any other law, the Department leasing a project shall have the same jurisdiction over such project as it has over the reservation, post or base in connection with which the project is developed.
(b) The Department of the Navy or Army or Air Force, in connection with any project developed or leased by it, and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, in connection with any project developed or assisted by him, for the purposes of this subchapter, may acquire real or personal property or any interest therein by purchase, eminent domain, gift, lease or otherwise. The provisions of sections 3111 and 3112 of title 40 shall not apply to the acquisition of any real property by the Department of the Navy or Army or Air Force or by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for the purposes of this subchapter or to the project developed thereon, and the provisions of section 1302 of title 40 , shall not apply to any lease of any project developed for the purposes of this subchapter or of any dwelling therein. Condemnation proceedings instituted by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall be in the Secretary's own name and the practice and procedure governing such proceedings by the United States shall be followed, and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall likewise be entitled to proceed in accordance with the provisions of sections 3114 to 3116 and 3118 of title 40 and an Act of Congress approved March 1, 1929 ( 45 Stat. 1415 ). 1 If the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development acquires land in connection with a project to be assisted for the purposes of this subchapter, the Secretary may convey such land to the public housing agency involved for a consideration equal to the cost of the land to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. The Departments of the Navy, Army, and Air Force and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may negotiate, contract and fix such fees as they determine are reasonable for the services of architects, engineers, surveyors, appraisers, title examiners and real estate negotiators in connection with specific projects developed by them under this subchapter. The Secretaries of Navy, Army, and Air Force are authorized to make available to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development any land that is needed for a project to be developed by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and leased to the Department of the Navy or Army or Air Force and to execute such leases, agreements and other instruments with the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this subchapter.
The United States Housing Act of 1937 and said Act, referred to in subsec. (a), are act Sept. 1, 1937, ch. 896, as revised generally by
title II, §201(a), Aug. 22, 1974, 88 Stat. 653 , which is classified generally to chapter 8 (§1437 et seq.) of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 1437 of this title and Tables.
The Act of Congress approved March 1, 1929, referred to in subsec. (b), is act Mar. 1, 1929, ch. 416, 45 Stat. 1415 , which was classified to chapter 7 (§361 et seq.) of former Title 40, Public Buildings, Property, and Works, and was repealed by
In subsec. (b), " sections 3111 and 3112 of title 40 " substituted for "section 355 of the Revised Statutes", " section 1302 of title 40 " substituted for "section 321 of the Act of June 30, 1932 (U.S.C. 1934 edition, title 40, sec. 303b)", and " sections 3114 to 3116 and 3118 of title 40 " substituted for "the Act of Congress approved February 26, 1931 ( 46 Stat. 1421 )" on authority of
§5(c), Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1303 , the first section of which enacted Title 40, Public Buildings, Property, and Works.
1942—Subsec. (a). Act Oct. 26, 1942, inserted "officers," after "rental to the" in first sentence.
Department of the Air Force inserted to conform to act July 26, 1947, ch. 343, title II, §207(a), (f), 61 Stat. 502 , 503, and Secretary of Defense Transfer Order No. 40 [App. A(75)], July 22, 1949. Department of War designated Department of the Army and title of Secretary of War changed to Secretary of the Army by act July 26, 1947, ch. 343, title II, §205(a), 61 Stat. 501 . Sections 205(a) and 207(a), (f) of act July 26, 1947, were repealed by act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, §53, 70A Stat. 641 . Act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, §1, 70A Stat. 1 , enacted "Title 10, Armed Forces", which in sections 3010 to 3013 and 8010 to 8013 continued Departments of the Army and Air Force under administrative supervision of Secretary of the Army and Secretary of the Air Force, respectively.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1501 of this title .
§1502a. Repealed.Section, act July 15, 1955, ch. 368, title V, §509, 69 Stat. 351 , related to acquisition of housing units for military personnel and dependents. See section 2678 of Title 10 , Armed Forces.
In any localities where the President determines that there is an acute shortage of housing which impedes the national defense program and that the necessary housing would not otherwise be provided when needed for persons engaged in national defense activities, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may undertake the development and administration of projects to assure the availability of dwellings in such localities for such persons and their families, or the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may extend financial assistance of public housing agencies for the development and administration of such projects. Such financial assistance to public housing agencies shall be extended (except as otherwise provided herein and not inconsistent herewith) under the provisions of, and in the same manner and forms as provided in, title I 1 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended [ 42 U.S.C. 1437 et seq. ], with respect to other housing projects.
(June 28, 1940, ch. 440, title II, §203, 54 Stat. 683 ; 1947 Reorg. Plan No. 3, §4(a), eff. July 27, 1947, 12 F.R. 4981, 61 Stat. 955 ;
The United States Housing Act of 1937, referred to in text, is act Sept. 1, 1937, ch. 896, as revised generally by
title II, §201(a), Aug. 22, 1974, 88 Stat. 653 , which is classified generally to chapter 8 (§1437 et seq.) of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 1437 of this title and Tables.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1501 of this title .
Any contract made for financial assistance under the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended [ 42 U.S.C. 1437 et seq. ], may be revised so as to provide that the project involved will be assisted for any of the purposes of this subchapter. The Department of the Navy or Army or the Air Force or the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, in the administration of any project developed for the purposes of this subchapter, shall fix rentals for persons engaged in national defense activities and their families which will be within their financial reach, and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, in any contract for financial assistance or any lease of such a project, shall require the fixing of such rentals. Projects developed by the Department of the Navy or Army or Air Force, or developed or assisted by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, for the purposes of this subchapter shall not be subject to the elimination requirements of sections 10(a) and 11(a) of said Act [ 42 U.S.C. 1410(a), 1411(a) ], or to any provisions of section 9 of said Act [ 42 U.S.C. 1409 ] which would require any part of the development cost thereof to be met in any manner other than from funds loaned or furnished by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Funds expended for the purposes of this subchapter shall be excluded in determining, for the purposes of section 21(d) 1 of said Act [ 42 U.S.C. 1421(d) ], the amounts expended within each State. Except as otherwise provided in this subchapter or as may be inconsistent with this subchapter, all the provisions of title I 2 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 [ 42 U.S.C. 1437 et seq. ] shall apply to this subchapter. During the period when the President determines that in any locality there is an acute need for housing to assure the availability of dwellings for persons engaged in national defense activities, dwellings in a project developed or assisted in said locality which are devoted to the purposes of providing housing for persons engaged in national defense activities shall not be subject to sections 2(1) and 2(2) of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended [ 42 U.S.C. 1402(1), (2) ], and during such period such projects shall be deemed projects of a low-rent character for the purposes of any of the applicable provisions in title I 2 of the United States Housing Act of 1937.
The United States Housing Act of 1937, referred to in text, is act Sept. 1, 1937, ch. 896, as revised generally by
title II, §201(a), Aug. 22, 1974, 88 Stat. 653 , which is classified generally to chapter 8 (§1437 et seq.) of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 1437 of this title and Tables.
Sections 2, 9, 10(a), and 11(a) of the United States Housing Act of 1937, referred to in text, is a reference to sections of the Act prior to the general revision of the Act by
. The Act as so revised is classified to section 1437 et seq. of this title . Provisions of former sections 2, 9, and 10(a) are covered by sections 3, 4, and 5(a) of the Act which are classified to sections 1437a, 1437b, and 1437c(a) of this title .
Section 21(d) of said Act, referred to in text, was repealed by
Department of the Air Force inserted to conform to act July 26, 1947, ch. 343, title II, §207(a), (f), 61 Stat. 502 , 503, and Secretary of Defense Transfer Orders No. 14, eff. July 1, 1948, and No. 40 [App. B(124)], July 22, 1949. Department of War designated Department of the Army and title of Secretary of War changed to Secretary of the Army by act July 26, 1947, ch. 343, title II, §205(a), 61 Stat. 501 . Sections 205(a) and 207(a), (f) of act July 26, 1947, were repealed by act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, §53, 70A Stat. 641 . Act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, §1, 70A Stat. 1 , enacted "Title 10, Armed Forces", which in sections 3010 to 3013 and 8010 to 8013 continued Departments of Army and Air Force under administrative supervision of Secretary of the Army and Secretary of the Air Force, respectively.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1501 of this title .
The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may use for the purposes of this subchapter any of the funds or authorizations heretofore or hereafter made available to it.
(June 28, 1940, ch. 440, title II, §205, 54 Stat. 683 ; 1947 Reorg. Plan No. 3, §4(a), eff. July 27, 1947, 12 F.R. 4981, 61 Stat. 955 ;
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1501 of this title .
Act June 28, 1940, ch. 440, title II, §205, 54 Stat. 683 , provided in part: "The provisions of title I of this Act shall not apply to this title [this subchapter]." The provisions of title I of act June 28, 1940, enacted section 1262a of former Title 10, Armed Forces, section 546e of former Title 34, Navy, and former sections 1151 to 1162 of the former Appendix to Title 50, War and National Defense, and amended section 40 of former Title 41, Public Contracts.
(a) Any Federal agency (including any wholly owned Government corporation) administering utility installations connected to a utility system for housing under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is authorized—
(1) to continue to provide utilities and utility services to such housing as long as it is under the jurisdiction of the Secretary;
(2) to contract with the purchasers or transferees of such housing to continue the utility connection with such installations and furnish such utilities and services as may be available and needed in connection with such housing, for such period of time (not exceeding the period of Federal administration of such installations) and subject to such terms (including the payment of the pro rata cost to the Government or the market value of the utilities and services furnished, whichever is greater) as may be determined by the head of the agency;
(3) to dispose of such installations, when excess to the needs of the agency, and where not excess to grant an option to purchase, to the purchasers or transferees of such housing, for an amount not less than the appraised value of the installations and upon such terms and conditions as the head of the agency shall establish.
(b) Any Federal agency (including any wholly owned Government corporation) having under its jurisdiction lands across which run any part of a utility system for housing under the jurisdiction of the Secretary is authorized to grant to the Secretary, or to the purchasers or transferees of such housing, easements (which may be perpetual) on such land for utility purposes.
Section was not enacted as part of title II of act June 28, 1948, ch. 440, 54 Stat. 681 , known as title II of the National Defense Expediting Act which comprises this subchapter.
Functions of Public Housing Administration and Housing and Home Finance Agency (of which Public Housing Administration was a constituent agency) and of heads thereof transferred to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development by
§5(a), Sept. 9, 1965, 79 Stat. 669 , which is classified to section 3534(a) of this title . Section 9(c) of such act, set out as a note under section 3531 of this title , provided that references to Housing and Home Finance Agency or to any agency or officer therein are to be deemed to mean Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and that Housing and Home Finance Agency and Public Housing Administration have lapsed.
Section, act Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, title VI, §616, 65 Stat. 317 , prohibited from Sept. 1, 1951 to June 30, 1953, initiation of projects, and waiver or suspension of income limitations contained in United States Housing Act of 1937, pursuant to authorization contained in sections 1501 and 1505 of this title .
Establishment of revolving fund under which to account for assets and liabilities in connection with public war housing under sections 1521 to 1524 of this title , see section 1701g–5 of Title 12 , Banks and Banking.
Section, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title I, §1, 54 Stat. 1125 ; Apr. 29, 1941, ch. 80, §1, 55 Stat. 147 ; June 28, 1941, ch. 260, §2, 55 Stat. 361 ; Jan. 21, 1942, ch. 14, §§1, 11, 56 Stat. 11 , 13; Ex. Ord. No. 9070, §1, eff. Feb. 24, 1942, 7 F.R. 1529; Apr. 20, 1950, ch. 94, title II, §204, 64 Stat. 73 , which related to the powers of the Housing and Home Administrator respecting defense housing, was omitted pursuant to act July 3, 1952, ch. 570, §1(a)(12), 66 Stat. 332 , as amended by act Mar. 31, 1953, ch. 13, §1, 67 Stat. 18 , which provided that this section continue in force until six months after the termination of the national emergency proclaimed by the President on Dec. 16, 1950 by Proc. No. 2914, 15 F.R. 9029, 64 Stat. A. 454, set out as a note preceding section 1 of Title 50 , War and National Defense, or on such earlier date or dates as provided by Congress, but in no event beyond July 1, 1953.
As used in subchapters II to VII of this chapter, (a) the term "persons engaged in national-defense activities" shall include (1) enlisted men in the naval or military services of the United States; (2) employees of the United States in the Departments of the Navy, Army, and Air Force assigned to duty at naval or military reservations, posts, or bases; (3) workers engaged or to be engaged in industries connected with and essential to the national defense; (4) officers of the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps not above the grade of captain, and officers of the Navy and Coast Guard, not above the grade of lieutenant, senior grade, assigned to duty at naval or military reservations, posts, or bases, or to duty at defense industries: Provided, That any proceedings for the recovery of possession of any property or project developed or constructed under this subchapter shall be brought by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the courts of the States having jurisdiction of such causes and the laws of the States shall be applicable thereto; (b) the term "Federal agency" means any executive department or office (including the President), independent establishment, commission, board, bureau, division, or office in the executive branch of the United States Government, or other agency of the United States, including corporations in which the United States owns all or a majority of the stock, directly or indirectly.
Subchapter III of this chapter, referred to in text, was comprised of sections 1531 to 1536 of this title . Section 1532 was omitted from the Code pursuant to the time limitation set out in act July 3, 1952, ch. 570, §1(a)(12), 66 Stat. 332 , as amended by act Mar. 31, 1953, ch. 13, §1, 67 Stat. 18 . Sections 1531, 1533, and 1534 were omitted from the Code upon the termination of section 1532. Section 1535 was omitted from the Code as executed. Section 1536 was omitted from the Code as not having been repeated in subsequent appropriation acts.
Subchapter VI of this chapter, referred to in text, was comprised of sections 1571 to 1576 of this title . Sections 1571 and 1573 have been omitted from the Code pursuant to the time limitation set out in act July 3, 1952, ch. 570, §1(a)(12), (21), 66 Stat. 332 , as amended by act Mar. 31, 1953, ch. 13, §1, 67 Stat. 18 . Sections 1572 and 1575 were omitted upon the termination of sections 1571 and 1573. Section 1574 was repealed by act Oct. 31, 1951, ch. 654, §1(113), 65 Stat. 706 . Section 1576 was omitted from the Code as not having been repeated in subsequent appropriation acts.
1950—Act Apr. 20, 1950, substituted "Housing and Home Finance Administrator" for "National Housing Administrator".
1942—Act Jan. 21, 1942, inserted cl. (a)(4) and proviso.
Department of the Air Force inserted on authority of act July 26, 1947, ch. 343, title II, §207(a), (f), 61 Stat. 502 , 503. Department of War designated Department of the Army and title of Secretary of War changed to Secretary of the Army by act July 26, 1947, ch. 343, title II, §205(a), 61 Stat. 501 . Sections 205(a) and 207(a), (f) of act July 26, 1947, were repealed by act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, §53, 70A Stat. 641 . Act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, §1, 70A Stat. 1 , enacted "Title 10, Armed Forces", which in sections 3010 to 3013 and 8010 to 8013 continued Departments of the Army and Air Force under administrative supervision of Secretary of the Army and Secretary of the Air Force, respectively.
For transfer of authorities, functions, personnel, and assets of the Coast Guard, including the authorities and functions of the Secretary of Transportation relating thereto, to the Department of Homeland Security, and for treatment of related references, see sections 468(b), 551(d), 552(d), and 557 of Title 6 , Domestic Security, and the Department of Homeland Security Reorganization Plan of November 25, 2002, as modified, set out as a note under section 542 of Title 6 .
Functions of Housing and Home Finance Agency transferred to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development by
§5(a), Sept. 9, 1965, 79 Stat. 669 , which is classified to section 3534(a) of this title . Section 9(c) of such act, set out as a note under section 3531 of this title , provided that references to Housing and Home Finance Agency or to any agency or officer therein are to be deemed to mean Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and that Housing and Home Finance Agency has lapsed.
Functions of Federal Works Administrator relating to defense housing consolidated with other agencies into National Housing Agency during World War II by Ex. Ord. No. 9070.
Apr. 25, 1945, ch. 95 title I, 59 Stat. 82 ; July 5, 1945, ch. 271, title I, 59 Stat. 420 , $84,373,000.
It is declared to be the policy of this subchapter to further the national defense by providing housing in those areas where it cannot otherwise be provided by private enterprise when needed, and that such housing may be sold and disposed of as expeditiously as possible: Provided, That in disposing of said housing consideration shall be given to its full market value and said housing or any part thereof shall not, unless specifically authorized by Congress, be conveyed to any public or private agency organized for slum clearance or to provide subsidized housing for persons of low income: Provided further, That the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may, in his discretion, upon the request of the Secretaries of the Army, Air Force or Navy transfer to the jurisdiction of the Army, Air Force or Navy Departments such housing constructed under the provisions of subchapters II to VII of this chapter as may be considered to be permanently useful to the Army, Air Force or Navy: Provided further, That whenever the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development disposes of any permanent house or structure containing not more than four family dwelling units under authority of this subchapter by offering such house or structure for sale on an individual basis, he shall, when the purchaser is a veteran buying for his own occupancy, sell any such house or structure (1) at a purchase price not in excess of the apportioned cost of such house or structure and of the land and appurtenances allocated thereto, together with the apportioned share of the cost of all utilities and other facilities provided for and common to the project of which such house or structure is a part, or (2) at a purchase price not in excess of such considered full market value of such house or structure and the land, appurtenances, utilities and facilities allocated thereto, whichever purchase price is the less: Provided further, That, for the purposes of this section, housing constructed or acquired under the provisions of Public Law 781, Seventy-sixth Congress, approved September 9, 1940, or Public Law 9, 73, or 353, Seventy-seventh Congress, approved, respectively, March 1, 1941, May 24, 1941, and December 17, 1941, shall be deemed to be housing constructed or acquired under subchapters II to VII of this chapter.
Subchapters III and VI of this chapter, referred to in text, were comprised of sections 1531 to 1536 of this title , and sections 1571 to 1576 of this title , respectively, and have been omitted from the Code. For further details, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
Public Law 781, Seventy-sixth Congress, approved September 9, 1940, referred to in text, is the Second Supplemental National Defense Appropriation Act, 1941, act Sept. 9, 1940, ch. 717, 54 Stat. 872 . Section 201 thereof appropriated $100,000,000 to the President for allocation to the former "War" Department, and to the Navy Department, for the construction of housing necessary to the national defense program. This provision is not classified to the Code.
Public Laws 9, 73, or 353, Seventy-seventh Congress, referred to in text, refer to the following acts, respectively: Public Law 9, Urgent Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1941, act Mar. 1, 1941, ch. 9, 55 Stat. 14 ; Public Law 73, Additional Urgent Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1941, act May 24, 1941, ch. 132, 55 Stat. 197 ; and Public Law 353, Third Supplemental National Defense Appropriation Act, 1942, act Dec. 17, 1941, ch. 591, 55 Stat. 810 . These three acts appropriated a total of $320,000,000 to the President for the purpose of providing housing necessary because of national defense activities and conditions arising out of World War II. These provisions are not classified to the Code, although all three acts are cited in a "Prior Additional Appropriations" note under section 1523 of this title .
1950—Act Apr. 20, 1950, substituted "Housing and Home Finance Administrator" for "National Housing Administrator" wherever appearing.
1948—Act June 19, 1948, inserted proviso to permit sale of certain permanent war housing to veterans at a purchase price not in excess of cost of construction.
Act June 28, 1948, inserted last proviso.
Department of the Air Force inserted to conform to act July 26, 1947, ch. 343, title II, §207(a), (f), 61 Stat. 502 , 503, and Secretary of Defense Transfer Orders No. 14, eff. July 1, 1948, and No. 40 [App. B(126)], July 29, 1949. Department of War designated Department of the Army and title of Secretary of War changed to Secretary of the Army by act July 26, 1947, ch. 343, title II, §205(a), 61 Stat. 501 . Sections 205(a) and 207(a), (f) of act July 26, 1947, were repealed by act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, §53, 70A Stat. 641 . Act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, §1, 70A Stat. 1 , enacted "Title 10, Armed Forces", which in sections 3010 to 3013 and 8010 to 8013 continued Departments of the Army and Air Force under administrative supervision of Secretary of the Army and Secretary of the Air Force, respectively.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
Functions of Federal Works Administrator relating to defense housing consolidated with other agencies into National Housing Agency during World War II by Ex. Ord. No. 9070.
Section 1531, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title II, §201, as added June 28, 1941, ch. 260, §3, 55 Stat. 361 , which declared the policy of this subchapter was to provide means by which public works were to be acquired, operated, and maintained in the areas described in section 1532 of this title , and defined public works, was omitted in view of the omission of section 1532 of this title .
Section 1532, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title II, §202, as added June 28, 1941, ch. 260, §3, 55 Stat. 362 ; amended Ex. Ord. No. 9070, §1, eff. Feb. 24, 1942, 7 F.R. 1529; June 30, 1949, ch. 288, title I, §103, 63 Stat. 380 ; Apr. 20, 1950, ch. 94, title II, §204, 64 Stat. 73 ; 1950 Reorg. Plan No. 17, §1, eff. May 24, 1950, 15 F.R. 3177, 64 Stat. 1269 , which related to the powers of the Housing and Home Administrator respecting defense public works and defined private agency, was omitted pursuant to act July 3, 1952, ch. 570, §1(a)(12), 66 Stat. 332 , as amended by act Mar. 31, 1953, ch. 13, §1, 67 Stat. 18 , which provided that this section continue in force until six months after the termination of the national emergency proclaimed by the President on Dec. 16, 1950 by Proc. No. 2914, 15 F.R. 9029 64 Stat. A 454, set out as a note preceding section 1 of Title 50 , War and National Defense, or on such earlier date or dates as provided by Congress, but in no event beyond July 1, 1953.
Section 1533, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title II, §203, as added June 28, 1941, ch. 260, §3, 55 Stat. 362 ; amended Ex. Ord. No. 9070, §1, eff. Feb. 24, 1942, 7 F.R. 1259; June 30, 1949, ch. 288, title I, §103, 63 Stat. 380 ; Apr. 20, 1950, ch. 94, title II, §204, 64 Stat. 73 ; 1950 Reorg. Plan No. 17, §1, eff. May 24, 1950, 15 F.R. 3177, 64 Stat. 1269 , which related to the terms to be observed in the application of this subchapter and restricted governmental supervision over schools and hospitals, was omitted in view of the omission of section 1532 of this title .
Section 1534, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title II, §204, as added June 28, 1941, ch. 260, §3, 55 Stat. 363 ; amended Jan. 21, 1942, ch. 14, §5, 56 Stat. 12 ; July 15, 1943, ch. 240, 57 Stat. 565 ; July 3, 1945, ch. 264, §1, 59 Stat. 383 , which authorized appropriations to carry out the purposes of this subchapter, was omitted in view of the omission of section 1532 of this title .
Section 1535, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title II, §205, as added June 26, 1946, ch. 498, 60 Stat. 314 , which authorized, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1947, contributions for the operation and maintenance of school facilities in order to enable school authorities that were still over-burdened with war-incurred school enrollments to meet their needs during transition from war to peacetime conditions.
Section 1536, act July 31, 1953, ch. 302, title I, §101, 67 Stat. 305 , which authorized the Administrator to transfer projects or facilities to other departments or agencies which request a transfer, was enacted as a part of the First Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1954, and not as a part of title II of the Lanham Public War Housing Act which comprised this subchapter, and was not repeated in subsequent appropriation acts.
Act July 15, 1943, as amended by act July 3, 1945, provided in part that no funds be used for loans, grants, or contributions for the operation day care or extended school services for children of mothers employed in war areas if and when the War-Area-Child-Care Act of 1943 (S. 1130, Seventy-eighth Congress, first session), becomes law, no grant, loan, or contribution for the maintenance or operation of public schools in any State be made without prior consultation with the State department of education and the United States Office of Education, and that none of the funds authorized herein be used to acquire public works already operated by public or private agencies, except where funds were allotted for substantial additions or improvements to such works with the consent of the owner, and that the total amount for contributions to public and private agencies for the maintenance and operation of public works after July 1, 1943, not exceed $120,000,000.
Acts Apr. 25, 1945, ch. 95, title I, 59 Stat. 80 ; July 3, 1945, ch. 264, §§2, 3, 59 Stat. 383 , provided in part for an additional $20,000,000 to enable the Federal Works Administrator to carry out the functions vested in him by sections 1531 to 1534 and 1541 of this title , which amount was to remain available during the continuance of the unlimited national emergency declared by the President on May 27, 1941 but which was not to be available for new projects after June 30, 1946 and of which amount $800,000 was to be available for administrative expenses, and the limitation of $80,000,000 in the First Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1945, act Mar. 31, 1945, ch. 47, 95 Stat. 46 , on the total amount to be allocated for contributions to public and private agencies for the maintenance and operation of public works after July 1, 1943 be increased to $85,000,000, and that in making allocations from the funds herein appropriated for construction projects, priority be given to emergency projects involving an estimated cost to the Federal Government of less than $250,000.
Section, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title III, §301, formerly §4, 54 Stat. 1127 ; renumbered title III, §301, and amended June 28, 1941, ch. 260, §4(a), 55 Stat. 363 ; Apr. 10, 1942, ch. 239, §1, 56 Stat. 212 , which provided that when President declared that emergency declared by him on Sept. 8, 1939, ceased to exist, the authority contained in sections 1521, 1532, 1561, and 1562 of this title terminate and that property acquired or constructed under subchapters II to VII of this subchapter be disposed of as promptly as advantageous under circumstances and in public interest, was omitted pursuant to act July 3, 1952, ch. 570, §1(a)(12), 66 Stat. 332 , as amended by act Mar. 31, 1953, ch. 13, §1, 67 Stat. 18 , which provided that this section continue in force until six months after the national emergency proclaimed by the President on Dec. 16, 1950 by Proc. No. 2914, 15 F.R. 9029, 64 Stat. a . 454, set out as a note preceding section 1 of Title 50 , War and National Defense, or on such earlier date or dates as approved by Congress, but in no event beyond July 1, 1953.
Where any Federal agency has funds for the provision of housing in connection with national-defense activities it may, in its discretion, make transfers of those funds, in whole or in part, to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and the funds so transferred shall be available for, but only for, any or all of the objects and purposes of and in accordance with all the authority and limitations contained in subchapters II to VII of this chapter, and for administrative expenses in connection therewith.
Subchapters III and VI of this chapter, referred to in text, were comprised of sections 1531 to 1536 and 1571 to 1576, respectively, of this title and have been omitted from the Code. For further details, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
1950—Act Apr. 20, 1950, substituted "Housing and Home Finance Administrator" for "National Housing Administrator".
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
Functions of Federal Works Administrator relating to defense housing consolidated with other agencies into National Housing Agency during World War II by Ex. Ord. No. 9070.
Section, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title III, §303, formerly §6, 54 Stat. 1127 ; renumbered title III, §303, June 28, 1941, ch. 260, §4(b), 55 Stat. 363 ; amended Ex. Ord. No. 9070, §1, eff. Feb. 24, 1942, 7 F.R. 1529; July 7, 1943, ch. 196, §3, 57 Stat. 388 ; Feb. 18, 1946, ch. 30, title I, §101, 60 Stat. 9 ; June 11, 1948, ch. 448, 62 Stat. 356 ; Apr. 20, 1950, ch. 94, title II, §204, 64 Stat. 73 , which related to disposition of moneys derived from rentals or operations of acquired or constructed property and to establishment, limitations on, and termination of reserves, was omitted in view of the omission of section 1541 of this title .
Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, whether relating to the acquisition, handling, or disposal of real or other property by the United States or to other matters, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, with respect to any property acquired or constructed under the provisions of subchapters II to VII of this chapter, is authorized by means of Government personnel, selected qualified private agencies, or public agencies (a) to deal with, maintain, operate, administer, and insure; (b) to pursue to final collection by way of compromise or otherwise, all claims arising therefrom; (c) to rent, lease, exchange, sell for cash or credit, and convey the whole or any part of such property and to convey without cost portions thereof to local municipalities for street or other public use: Provided, That any such transaction shall be upon such terms, including the period of any lease, as may be deemed by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to be in the public interest: Provided further, That the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall fix fair rentals, on projects developed pursuant to subchapters II to VII of this chapter, which shall be based on the value thereof as determined by him, with power during the emergency, in exceptional cases, to adjust the rent to the income of the persons to be housed, and that rentals to be charged for Army, Air Force, and Navy personnel shall be fixed by the Departments of the Army, Air Force, and Navy: Provided further, That any lease authorized hereunder shall not be subject to the provisions of section 1302 of title 40 . As used in this section the term "local municipalities" shall include the District of Columbia.
Subchapters III and VI of this chapter, referred to in text, were comprised of sections 1531 to 1536 and 1571 to 1576, respectively, of this title and have been omitted from the Code. For further details, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
In text, " section 1302 of title 40 " substituted for "section 321 of the Act of June 30, 1932 ( 47 Stat. 412 )" on authority of
§5(c), Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1303 , the first section of which enacted Title 40, Public Buildings, Property, and Works.
1950—Act Apr. 20, 1950, substituted "Housing and Home Finance Administrator" for "National Housing Administrator" wherever appearing.
1942—Act Apr. 10, 1942, inserted last sentence.
Act Jan. 21, 1942, amended second proviso.
Department of the Air Force inserted to conform to act July 26, 1947, ch. 343, title II, §207(a), (f), 61 Stat. 502 , 503, and Secretary of Defense Transfer Orders No. 14, eff. July 1, 1948, and No. 40 [App. B(129)], July 29, 1949. Department of War designated Department of the Army and title of Secretary of War changed to Secretary of the Army by act July 26, 1947, ch. 343, title II, §205(a), 61 Stat. 501 . Sections 205(a) and 207(a), (f) of act July 26, 1947, were repealed by act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, §53, 70A Stat. 641 . Act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, §1, 70A Stat. 1 , enacted "Title 10, Armed Forces", which in sections 3010 to 3013 and 8010 to 8013 continued Departments of the Army and Air Force under administrative supervision of Secretary of the Army and Secretary of the Air Force, respectively.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
Functions of Federal Works Administrator relating to defense housing consolidated with other agencies into National Housing Agency during World War II by Ex. Ord. No. 9070.
Section, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title III, §305, formerly §8, 54 Stat. 1127 ; renumbered title III, §305, June 28, 1941, ch. 260, §4(b), 55 Stat. 363 ; amended Jan. 21, 1942, ch. 14, §7, 56 Stat. 12 ; Ex. Ord. No. 9070, §1, eff. Feb. 24, 1942, 7 F.R. 1529; Apr. 20, 1950, ch. 94, title II, §204, 64 Stat. 73 , which related to utilization of Federal and local agencies and private services, was omitted in view of the omission of section 1541 of this title .
The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall pay from rentals annual sums in lieu of taxes to any State and/or political subdivision thereof, with respect to any real property acquired and held by him under subchapters II to VII of this chapter, including improvements thereon. The amount so paid for any year upon such property shall approximate the taxes which would be paid to the State and/or subdivision, as the case may be, upon such property if it were not exempt from taxation, with such allowance as may be considered by him to be appropriate for expenditure by the Government for streets, utilities, or other public services to serve such property. As used in this section the term "State" shall include the District of Columbia.
Subchapters III and VI of this chapter, referred to in text, were comprised of sections 1531 to 1536 and 1571 to 1576, respectively, of this title and have been omitted from the Code. For further details, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
Words "including any Territory or possession of the United States" appearing in text prior to amendment by act Jan. 21, 1942, inserted on authority of act June 28, 1941, ch. 260, §4(b), 55 Stat. 363 , which provided that when used in this section the term " 'State' includes any Territory or possession of the United States".
1950—Act Apr. 20, 1950, substituted "Housing and Home Finance Administrator" for "National Housing Administrator".
1942—Act Apr. 10, 1942, inserted last sentence.
Act Jan. 21, 1942, amended section generally.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
Functions of Federal Works Administrator relating to defense housing consolidated with other agencies into National Housing Agency during World War II by Ex. Ord. No. 9070.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the acquisition by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development of any real property pursuant to subchapters II to VII of this chapter shall not deprive any State or political subdivision thereof, including any Territory or possession of the United States, of its civil and criminal jurisdiction in and over such property, or impair the civil rights under the State or local law of the inhabitants on such property. As used in this section the term "State" shall include the District of Columbia.
Subchapters III and VI of this chapter, referred to in text, were comprised of sections 1531 to 1536 and 1571 to 1576, respectively, of this title and have been omitted from the Code. For further details, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
Words "including any Territory or possession of the United States" were inserted upon authority of act June 28, 1941, ch. 260, §4(b), 55 Stat. 363 , which provided that when used in this section the term " 'State' includes any Territory or possession of the United States".
1950—Act Apr. 20, 1950, substituted "Housing and Home Finance Administrator" for "National Housing Administrator".
1942—Act Apr. 10, 1942, inserted last sentence.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
Functions of Federal Works Administrator relating to defense housing consolidated with other agencies into National Housing Agency during World War II by Ex. Ord. No. 9070.
The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is authorized to make such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of subchapters II to VII of this chapter, and shall establish reasonable standards of safety, convenience, and health.
Subchapters III and VI of this chapter, referred to in text, were comprised of sections 1531 to 1536 and 1571 to 1576, respectively, of this title and have been omitted from the Code. For further details, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
1950—Act Apr. 20, 1950, substituted "Housing and Home Finance Administrator" and "Housing and Home Finance Agency" for "National Housing Administrator" and "National Housing Agency", respectively, wherever appearing.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
Functions of Federal Works Administrator relating to defense housing consolidated with other agencies into National Housing Agency during World War II by Ex. Ord. No. 9070.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the wages of every laborer and mechanic employed on any construction, repair or demolition work authorized by subchapters II to VII of this chapter shall be computed on a basic day rate of eight hours per day and work in excess of eight hours per day shall be permitted upon compensation for all hours worked in excess of eight hours per day at not less than one and one-half times the basic rate of pay. Not less than the prevailing wages shall be paid in the construction of defense housing authorized herein. Preference in such employment shall be given to qualified local residents.
Subchapters III and VI of this chapter, referred to in text, were comprised of sections 1531 to 1536 and 1571 to 1576, respectively, of this title and have been omitted from the Code. For further details, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
1942—Act Jan. 21, 1942, inserted last sentence.
If any provision of subchapters II to VII of this chapter, or the application thereof to any persons or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of said subchapters, or application of such provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby.
Subchapters III and VI of this chapter, referred to in text, were comprised of sections 1531 to 1536 and 1571 to 1576, respectively, of this title and have been omitted from the Code. For further details, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
Section, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title III, §311, formerly §14, 54 Stat. 1128 ; renumbered title III, §311, June 28, 1941, ch. 260, §4(b), 55 Stat. 363 , related to reports to Congress. See section 1701o of Title 12 , Banks and Banking.
Any agency designated by the President to provide temporary shelter under the provisions of Public Law Numbered 9, Seventy-seventh Congress, Public Law Numbered 73, Seventy-seventh Congress, or the Third Supplemental National Defense Appropriations Act, 1942, shall have the same powers with respect to the management, maintenance, operation, and administration of such temporary shelter as are granted to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under section 1544 and section 1546 of this title with respect to projects constructed hereunder, and the provisions of section 1547 of this title shall apply to such temporary shelter projects and the occupants thereof.
(Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title III, §312, as added Jan. 21, 1942, ch. 14, §10, 56 Stat. 13 ; amended Ex. Ord. No. 9070, §1, eff. Feb. 24, 1942, 7 F.R. 1529; Apr. 20, 1950, ch. 94, title II, §204, 64 Stat. 73 ;
The provisions of Public Laws 9 and 73, referred to in text, are not classified to the Code. The Third Supplemental National Defense Appropriation Act, 1942, referred to in text, is Public Law 353, the relevant provisions of which are not classified to the Code. For further details, see note set out under section 1524 of this title .
1950—Act Apr. 20, 1950, substituted "Housing and Home Finance Administrator" for "National Housing Administrator".
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
Functions of Federal Works Administrator relating to defense housing consolidated with other agencies into National Housing Agency during World War II by Ex. Ord. No. 9070.
Except as otherwise provided in subchapters II to VII of this chapter, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall, as promptly as may be practicable and in the public interest, remove (by demolition or otherwise) all housing under his jurisdiction which is of a temporary character, as determined by him, and constructed under the provisions of this subchapter, Public Law 781, Seventy-sixth Congress, and Public Laws 9, 73, 353, Seventy-seventh Congress. Such removal shall, in any event, be accomplished not later than July 1, 1954 or by such later date as may be required because of extensions of time in accordance with section 1584 of this title , with the exception only of such housing as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, after consultation with local communities, finds is still urgently needed because of a particularly acute housing shortage in the area: Provided, That all such exceptions shall be reexamined annually by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and that all such exceptions and reexaminations shall be reported to the Congress. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law except provisions of law hereafter enacted expressly in limitation hereof, no Federal statute, or regulation thereunder, shall prohibit or restrict any action or proceeding to recover possession of any housing accommodations for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this section or section 1584 of this title .
Subchapters III and VI of this chapter, referred to in text, were comprised of sections 1531 to 1536 and 1571 to 1576, respectively, of this title and have been omitted from the Code. For further details, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
The provisions of Public Law 781, and Public Laws 9, 73, 353, referred to in text, are not classified to the Code. For further details, see note set out under section 1524 of this title .
1950—Act Apr. 20, 1950, substituted "December 31, 1952 or by such later date as may be required because of extensions of time in accordance with section 1584 of this title , with the exception only of such housing as the Administrator, after consultation with local communities, finds is still urgently needed because of a particularly acute housing shortage in the area" for "January 1, 1951, with the exception only of such housing as the Administrator, after consultation with local communities finds is still needed in the interest of orderly demobilization of the war effort," and inserted last sentence.
1949—Act Oct. 25, 1949, inserted "January 1, 1951" for "January 1, 1950".
1948—Act June 28, 1948, substituted "January 1, 1950" for "two years after the President declares that the emergency declared by him on September 8, 1939, has ceased to exist".
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
Joint Res. July 25, 1947, ch. 327, §3, 61 Stat. 451 , provided that in interpretation of this section, the date July 25, 1947, shall be deemed to be date of termination of any state of war theretofore declared by Congress and of national emergencies proclaimed by President on Sept. 8, 1939, and May 27, 1941.
Ex. Ord. No. 10385, Aug. 18, 1952, affected section by extending time for the removal of temporary housing from Dec. 31, 1952, to July 1, 1954.
Section 1561, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title IV, §401, as added Apr. 10, 1942, ch. 239, §4, 56 Stat. 212 ; amended Apr. 20, 1950, ch. 94, title II, §204, 64 Stat. 73 , which authorized appropriations for housing of United States employees, was omitted pursuant to act July 3, 1952, ch. 570, §1(a)(12), 66 Stat. 332 , as amended by act Mar. 31, 1953, ch. 13, §1, 67 Stat. 18 , which provided that this section and section 1562 of this title continue in force until six months after the termination of the national emergency proclaimed by the President on Dec. 16, 1950 by Proc. No. 2914, 15 F.R. 9029, 64 Stat. A 454, set out as a note preceding section 1 of Title 50 , War and National Defense, or on such earlier date or dates as provided by Congress, but in no event beyond July 1, 1953.
Section 1562, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title IV, §402, as added Apr. 10, 1942, ch. 239, §4, 56 Stat. 213 ; amended June 30, 1949, ch. 288, title I, §103, 63 Stat. 380 , authorized appropriations for public works projects. See par. set out above.
Section 1563, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title IV, §403, as added Apr. 10, 1942, ch. 239, §4, 56 Stat. 213 ; amended June 30, 1949, ch. 288, title I, §103, 63 Stat. 380 , which related to advancements to District of Columbia Commissioner for public works and reports to Congress, was omitted in view of the omission of sections 1561 and 1562 of this title .
As used in subchapters II to VII of this chapter the term "Federal Works Administrator" or "Administrator", or "Federal Works Agency" shall, with respect to housing, be deemed to refer to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator or the Housing and Home Finance Agency, as the case may be. Such terms shall, with respect to public works and equipment therefor, be deemed to refer to the Federal Works Administrator or the Federal Works Agency, as the case may be.
Subchapters III and VI of this chapter, referred to in text, were comprised of sections 1531 to 1536 and 1571 to 1576, respectively, of this title and have been omitted from the Code. For further details, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
1950—Act Apr. 20, 1950, substituted "Housing and Home Finance Administrator" and "Housing and Home Finance Agency" for "National Housing Administrator" and "National Housing Agency", respectively.
Functions of Housing and Home Finance Agency transferred to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development by
§5(a), Sept. 9, 1965, 79 Stat. 669 , which is classified to section 3534(a) of this title . Section 9(c) of such act, set out as a note under section 3531 of this title , provided that references to Housing and Home Finance Agency or to any agency or officer therein are to be deemed to mean Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and that Housing and Home Finance Agency has lapsed.
Functions under sections 1531 to 1534 of this title transferred from Federal Works Administrator to Administrator of General Services by act June 30, 1949, ch. 288, title I, §103(a), 63 Stat. 380 , which was classified to section 753(a) of former Title 40, Public Buildings, Property, and Works, and subsequently transferred to Housing and Home Finance Administrator by Reorg. Plan No. 17 of 1950, §1, eff. May 24, 1950, 15 F.R. 3177, 64 Stat. 1269 , set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.
Functions of Federal Works Administrator relating to defense housing consolidated with other agencies into National Housing Agency during World War II by Ex. Ord. No. 9070.
Section 1571, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title V, §501, as added June 23, 1945, ch. 192, 59 Stat. 260 ; amended Apr. 20, 1950, ch. 94, title II, §204, 64 Stat. 73 , related to the construction of temporary housing facilities, and was omitted pursuant to act July 3, 1952, ch. 570, §1(a)(12), 66 Stat. 332 , as amended by act Mar. 31, 1953, ch. 13, §1, 67 Stat. 18 , which provided that this section and sections 1572, 1573, 1575, and 1576 of this title continue in force until six months after the termination of the National emergency proclaimed by the President on Dec. 16, 1950 by Proc. No. 2914, 15 F.R. 9029, 64 Stat. A 454, set out as a note preceding section 1 of Title 50 , War and National Defense, or on such earlier date or dates as provided by Congress, but in no event beyond July 1, 1953.
Section 1572, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title V, §502, as added June 23, 1945, ch. 192, 59 Stat. 260 ; amended Dec. 31, 1945, ch. 657, 59 Stat. 674 ; Mar. 28, 1946, ch. 118, §§1, 2, 60 Stat. 85 ; Aug. 8, 1946, ch. 917, §1, 60 Stat. 958 ; May 31, 1947, ch. 91, §1, 61 Stat. 128 ; Apr. 20, 1950, ch. 94, title II, §204, 64 Stat. 73 , related to the availability of funds for purposes of this subchapter, and was omitted in view of the termination of sections 1571 and 1573 of this title .
Section 1573, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title V, §503, as added June 23, 1945, ch. 192, 59 Stat. 260 ; amended June 30, 1953, ch. 174, §1, 67 Stat. 132 , related to definitions for purposes of this subchapter, and was omitted pursuant to the time limitation set out in act July 3, 1952, ch. 570, §1(a)(21), 66 Stat. 332 , as amended by act Mar. 31, 1953, ch. 13, §1, 67 Stat. 18 . See section 1571 of this title .
Act May 31, 1947, ch. 91, §2, 61 Stat. 128 , provided that there were to be additional funds available under sections 1571, 1572, and 1573 of this title for necessary expenses incurred in completing the provision of temporary housing pursuant to a contract in writing executed prior to May 31, 1947, for reimbursement of certain eligible organizations for particular expenditures, and for payments to meet certain actual expenses prior to Apr. 1, 1947.
Section, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title V, §504, as added Aug. 8, 1946, ch. 912, §2, 60 Stat. 958 , related to the use or reuse of structures or facilities of Federal agencies as educational facilities for persons receiving training courses or education under title II of the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, as amended (act June 22, 1944, ch. 268, title II, 58 Stat. 284 ).
Section 1575, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title V, §505, as added June 28, 1948, ch. 688, §1, 62 Stat. 1062 ; amended Apr. 20, 1950, ch. 94, title II, §204, 64 Stat. 73 ; Oct. 26, 1951, ch. 577, §2, 65 Stat. 648 , related to relinquishment of Government's rights in temporary housing on campuses or other educational lands.
Section 1576, acts Aug. 24, 1949, ch. 506, title II, §201, 63 Stat. 659 ; Sept. 6, 1950, ch. 896, ch. VIII, title II, §201, 64 Stat. 723 , which was not repeated in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1952, act Aug. 31, 1951, ch. 376, 65 Stat. 268 , provided that application for relinquishment had to be filed by Dec. 30, 1950. Section was enacted as a part of act Aug. 24, 1949, popularly known as the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1951, and not as a part of title V of the Lanham Public War Housing Act, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, as added June 23, 1945, ch. 192, 59 Stat. 260 , which comprises this subchapter.
Upon the filing of a request therefor as herein prescribed, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall (subject to the provisions of this section) relinquish and transfer, without monetary consideration, to any State or political subdivision thereof, local housing authority, local public agency, nonprofit organization, or educational institution, all contractual rights (including the right to revenues and other proceeds) and all property right, title, and interest of the United States in and with respect to (1) any temporary housing located on land owned or controlled by such transferee and in which the United States has no leasehold or other property interest, and (2) housing materials which have been made available to the transferee by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to section 1572 of this title .
Upon the filing of a request therefor as herein prescribed, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may (subject to the provisions of this section) relinquish and transfer, without monetary consideration other than that specifically required by this subsection, to any State, county, municipality, or local housing authority, or to any educational institution where the housing involved is being operated for its student veterans or where the land underlying the housing is in the ownership of two or more educational institutions, or to any other local public agency or nonprofit organization where the housing involved has been made available by the United States to such agency or organization pursuant to section 1572 of this title or where the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development determines that the housing involved is urgently needed by parents of persons who served in the Armed forces at any time on or after September 16, 1940, and prior to July 26, 1947, or on or after June 27, 1950, and prior to such date thereafter as shall be determined by the President and died of service-connected illness or injury (in which case the preferences in subsection (d)(1) shall not apply), all right, title, and interest of the United States in and with respect to any temporary housing (excluding commercial facilities which the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development determines are suitable for separate disposal and community facilities which the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development determines should be disposed of separately) located on land in which the United States has a property interest through ownership, lease, or otherwise, under the following conditions:
(1) If the land is owned by the United States and under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the transferee shall have purchased such land from the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development at a price substantially equal to the cost to the United States of the land (including survey, title examination, and other similar expenses incident to acquisition but excluding the cost or value of all improvements thereto by the United States other than extraordinary fill), or, if the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development determines the amount of such cost to be nominal or not readily ascertainable, at a price which the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development determines to be fair and reasonable. Payment for such land shall be made in full at the time of sale or in not more than ten equal annual installments (the first of which shall be paid within one year from the date of conveyance) all of which shall be secured as determined by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development with interest from the date of conveyance at the going Federal rate of interest at the time of conveyance.
(2) If the land is owned by the United States and not under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the transferee shall have purchased such land from the Federal agency having jurisdiction thereof. The Federal agency having jurisdiction of any such land is authorized to sell and convey the same to any such transferee on the terms authorized herein except that the determinations required to be made by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall be made by the agency having jurisdiction of such land.
(3) If the United States does not own the land but has an interest therein through lease or otherwise, the transferee shall (i) where it is not the landowner, obtain the right to possession of such land for a term satisfactory to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, (ii) obtain from the landowner a release (or, if the transferee is the landowner, furnish a release) of the United States from all liability in connection therewith, including any liability for removal of structures or restoration of the land, except for any rental or use payment due at the time of transfer, and (iii) reimburse the United States for the proportionate amount of any payments made by the United States for the right to use the land and for taxes or payments in lieu of taxes for any period extending beyond the time of the transfer, and (iv) if the interest of the United States is not under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the transferee shall obtain a transfer or release of the interest of the United States from the Federal agency having jurisdiction, which transfers and releases by such Federal agencies are authorized on such terms as the head of the respective agency determines to be in the public interest.
The filing of a request under subsections (a), (b), (g), or (h) of this section must be made on or before June 30, 1953, unless the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall, in any specific case, authorize the filing of a request subsequent to such date but on or before June 30, 1951, and, in any such case, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may extend, for a specified period not beyond December 31, 1951, the time hereinafter prescribed for complying with all conditions to the relinquishment or transfer. Such request shall be in the form of a resolution adopted by the governing body of the applicant, except that, in the case of a State, such request may be in the form of a written request from the governor, and, in the case of a local housing authority (other than the Alaska Housing Authority), or a local public agency organized specifically and solely for the purpose of slum clearance and community redevelopment, shall be accompanied by a resolution of the governing body of the municipality or county approving the request for transfer. Such request shall be accompanied by either (1) a final opinion of the chief law officer or legal counsel of the applicant to the effect that it has legal authority to make the request, to accept the transfer of and operate any property involved, and to perform its obligations under this subchapter, or (2) a preliminary opinion of such officer or counsel concerning the legal authority of the applicant with respect to the proposed relinquishment or transfer including a statement of the reasons for not furnishing the final opinion with the request and the time required to furnish such opinion. If a request has been submitted as herein provided, the applicant shall comply with all conditions to the relinquishment or transfer (including the furnishing of the final legal opinion) on or before June 30, 1953: Provided, That, in any case where the applicant is unable to comply with all conditions to the relinquishment or transfer because of the need for the enactment of State legislation or charter amendment, such date shall be June 30, 1952, and may be extended by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, upon request in a particular case, to December 31, 1952. The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall act as promptly as practicable on any request which complies with the provisions of this section and is supported as herein required, and shall as promptly as practicable arrange for the making of any survey or the performance of other work necessary to the transfer: Provided, That, notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may at any time, except with respect to housing for which a request has been or may be submitted under subsection (a) of this section, remove, dispose of, or retain any temporary housing, or part thereof, in accordance with any provision of subchapters II to VII of this chapter.
No relinquishment or transfer with respect to temporary housing shall be made under this section unless the transferee represents in its request therefor that it proposes, to the extent permitted by law:
(1) As among eligible applicants for occupancy in dwellings of given sizes and at specified rents, to extend the following preferences in the selection of tenants:
First, to families which are to be displaced by any low-rent housing project or by any public slum-clearance or redevelopment project initiated after January 1, 1947, or which were so displaced within three years prior to making application for admission to such housing; and as among such families first preference shall be given to families of disabled veterans whose disability has been determined by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to be service-connected, and second preference shall be given to families of deceased veterans and servicemen whose death has been determined by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to be service-connected, and third preference shall be given to families of other veterans and servicemen;
Second, to families of other veterans and servicemen; and as among such families first preference shall be given to families of disabled veterans whose disability has been determined by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to be service-connected, and second preference shall be given to families of deceased veterans and servicemen whose death has been determined by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to be service-connected: Provided, That if the transferee is an educational institution it may limit such preferences to student veterans and servicemen, and their families, and may, in lieu of such preferences, make available to veterans or servicemen and their families accommodations in any housing of the institution equal in number to the accommodations relinquished or transferred to it: And provided further, That, notwithstanding such preferences, if the transferee is a State, political subdivision, local housing authority, or local public agency, it will, in filling vacancies in housing transferred under subsection (b) hereof, give such preferences to military personnel and persons engaged in national defense or mobilization activities as the Secretary of Defense or his designee prescribes to such transferee.
(2) Not to dispose of any right, title, or interest in the property (by sale, transfer, grant, exchange, mortgage, lease, release, termination of the leasehold, or any other relinquishment of interest) either (i) for housing use on the present site or on any other site except to a State or political subdivision thereof, local housing authority, a local public agency, or an educational or eleemosynary institution, or (ii) for any other use unless the governing body of the municipality or county shall have adopted a resolution determining that, on the basis of local need and acceptability, the structures involved are satisfactory for such use and need not be removed: Provided, That this representation will not apply to any disposal through demolition for salvage, lease to tenants for residential occupancy, or lease of nondwelling facilities for the continuance of a use existing on the date of transfer, or where such disposal is the result of a bona fide foreclosure or other proceeding to enforce rights given as security for a loan to pay for land under this section: And provided further, That nothing contained in this paragraph shall be construed as applicable to the disposition of any land or interest therein after the removal of the structures therefrom.
(3) To manage and operate the property involved in accordance with sound business practices, including the establishment of adequate reserves.
(4) Whenever the structures involved, or a substantial portion thereof, are terminated for housing use and are not to be used for a specific nonhousing use, to promptly demolish such structures terminated for housing use and clear the site thereof.
Any relinquishment or transfer by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under this section shall constitute a waiver of the requirements of section 1553 of this title (and any contractual obligations pursuant thereto) for removing the housing involved if the request for such relinquishment or transfer was made, as authorized herein, by the governing body of the municipality or county, or by the local housing authority, or, in other cases, if, prior to or within six months after the date of the relinquishment or transfer, there is filed with the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development a resolution of such governing body specifically approving (1) the unconditional waiver of such requirements or (2) the waiver of such requirements subject to conditions specified in the resolution. Any such conditions shall not affect the waiver of removal requirements hereunder, and the United States shall assume no responsibility for compliance therewith.
In any relinquishment or transfer under this section, the net revenues and other proceeds from such housing to which the United States is entitled on the basis of periodic settlements shall continue to accrue to the United States until the end of the month in which the relinquishment or transfer is made, and the obligation of the transferee to pay such accrued amounts shall not be affected by this section. The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may charge to the transferee the cost to the United States of any survey, title information, or other item incidental to the transfer.
Upon the filing of a request therefor as herein prescribed, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may (subject to the provisions of this section) relinquish and transfer, without monetary consideration other than payment for land involved as specifically required by subsection (b) hereof, to any local public agency organized specifically and solely for the purpose of slum clearance and community redevelopment in a municipality in which the total number of persons, who on December 31, 1948, were living in temporary family accommodations provided by the United States or any agency thereof since September 8, 1939, exceeded the total population of such municipality as shown by the 1940 census, all right, title, and interest of the United States in and with respect to any temporary housing located in such municipality under the conditions set forth in said subsection (b). Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall not relinquish or transfer any right, title, or interest of the United States in and with respect to any temporary housing situated in such a municipality except as set forth in this subsection if at the time of the relinquishment or transfer there is in existence in such a municipality a local public agency organized specifically and solely for the purpose of slum clearance and community redevelopment.
Upon the filing of a request therefor as herein prescribed, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may (subject to the provisions of this section except the provisions of subsection (d) hereof) relinquish and transfer to any municipality, without monetary consideration other than payment for the land involved as specifically required by subsection (b) hereof, all right, title, and interest of the United States in and with respect to unoccupied temporary housing of masonry construction located in such municipality: Provided, That such housing has been wholly or partially stripped of trim and fixtures prior to April 20, 1950 and the municipality adopts a resolution determining that the structures, with proposed improvements, will be suitable for long-term housing use.
(Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title VI, §601, as added June 28, 1948, ch. 688, §7, as added Apr. 20, 1950, ch. 94, title II, §201, 64 Stat. 59 ; amended Ex. Ord. No. 10284, §§1, 2, eff. Sept. 4, 1951, 16 F.R. 8971; Oct. 26, 1951, ch. 577, §2, 65 Stat. 648 ; Ex. Ord. No. 10339, eff. Apr. 7, 1952, 17 F.R. 3012; Ex. Ord. No. 10395, eff. Sept. 19, 1952, 17 F.R. 8449; Ex. Ord. No. 10425, eff. Jan. 16, 1953, 18 F.R. 405; Feb. 15, 1956, ch. 35, 70 Stat. 15 ;
Section 1572 of this title , referred to in subsecs. (a) and (b), has been omitted from the Code.
Subchapters III and VI of this chapter, referred to in subsec. (c), were comprised of sections 1531 to 1536 and 1571 to 1576, respectively, of this title and have been omitted from the Code. For further details, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
In subsec. (c), "June 30, 1953" substituted for "December 31, 1950" the first time it appears and "June 30, 1951" the second time it appears pursuant to the executive orders cited as credits to this section. See notes set out below.
1991—Subsec. (d)(1).
substituted "Secretary of Veterans Affairs" for "Veterans' Administration" wherever appearing.
1956—Subsec. (g). Act Feb. 15, 1956, limited restriction on transfer or relinquishment of temporary housing to a local public slum clearance agency to municipalities having such an agency at time of transfer or relinquishment.
1951—Subsec. (b). Act Oct. 26, 1951, substituted "at any time on or after September 16, 1940, and prior to July 26, 1947, or on or after June 27, 1950, and prior to such date thereafter as shall be determined by the President" for "during World War II".
Functions of Housing and Home Finance Agency and head thereof transferred to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development by
§5(a), Sept. 9, 1965, 79 Stat. 669 , which is classified to section 3534(a) of this title . Section 9(c) of such act, set out as a note under section 3531 of this title , provided that references to Housing and Home Finance Agency or to any agency or officer therein are to be deemed to mean Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and that Housing and Home Finance Agency and Public Housing Administration have lapsed.
Ex. Ord. 10284, Sept. 4, 1951, which extended time for filing requests from Dec. 31, 1950, to Dec. 31, 1951, also extended time for compliance with all conditions to relinquishments or transfers from June 30, 1951, to June 30, 1952. See note set out under section 1589a of this title .
Ex. Ord. No. 10339, Apr. 7, 1952, set out as a note under section 1589a of this title , extended time for filing requests under subsecs. (a), (b), and (g) from Dec. 31, 1951, to Dec. 31, 1952, and extended time for compliance with all conditions to relinquishments or transfers under subsecs. (a), (b), and (g) from June 30, 1952, to June 30, 1953.
Ex. Ord. No. 10395, Sept. 19, 1952, set out as a note under section 1589a of this title , extended time for filing requests under subsec. (h) from Dec. 31, 1951, to Dec. 31, 1952, and extended time for compliance with all conditions to relinquishments or transfers under subsec. (h) from June 30, 1952, to June 30, 1953.
Ex. Ord. No. 10425, Jan. 16, 1953, set out as a note under section 1589a of this title , extended time for filing requests under subsecs. (a), (b), (g), and (h) from Dec. 31, 1952, to June 30, 1953.
The requirements of section 1553 of this title shall not apply to any temporary housing—
(a) for which such requirements have been waived pursuant to section 1575 1 or section 1581 of this title ;
(b) transferred by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to the jurisdiction of the Department of the Army, the Navy, or the Air Force pursuant to section 1524 of this title ;
(c) disposed of by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under subchapter II or IV of this chapter for long-term housing or nonhousing use without any requirement for removal where the governing body of the municipality or county has adopted a resolution determining that, on the basis of local need and acceptability, the structures involved are (1) satisfactory for such long-term use or (2) satisfactory for such long-term use if conditions prescribed in such resolution, affecting the physical characteristics of the project, are met: Provided, That any such conditions shall not affect the disposal of any temporary housing hereunder, and the United States shall assume no responsibility for compliance with such conditions: And provided further, That any housing disposed of for housing use in accordance with this subsection shall thereafter be deemed to be housing accommodations, the construction of which was completed after June 30, 1947, within the meaning of section 4 of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as amended, relating to preference or priority to veterans or their families; or
(d) disposed of or relinquished by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development prior to April 20, 1950, subject to such requirements or contractual obligations pursuant thereto, where the governing body of the municipality or county on or before December 31, 1950, adopts a resolution as provided in (c) 2 above; and any contract obligations to the Federal Government for the removal of such housing shall be relinquished upon the filing of such a resolution with the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
(Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title VI, §602, as added June 28, 1948, ch. 688, §7, as added Apr. 20, 1950, ch. 94, title II, §201, 64 Stat. 59 ; amended Oct. 26, 1951, ch. 577, §2, 65 Stat. 648 ;
Section 1575 of this title , referred to in subsec. (a), has been omitted from the Code.
Section 4 of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, referred to in subsec. (c), is section 4 of act June 30, 1947, ch. 163, title I, 61 Stat. 195 , which was formerly classified to section 1884 of the former Appendix to Title 50, War and National Defense, and has been omitted from the Code.
1951—Subsec. (c). Act Oct. 26, 1951, struck "of World War II" thus making section applicable to veterans of Korean war.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
With respect to any housing classified, prior to April 20, 1950, by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development as demountable, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall, as soon as practicable but not later in any event than December 31, 1950, and after consultation with the communities affected, redetermine (taking into consideration local standards and conditions) whether such housing is of a temporary or permanent character, and after such redetermination shall dispose of such housing in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter.
(Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title VI, §603, as added June 28, 1948, ch. 688, §7, as added Apr. 20, 1950, ch. 94, title II, §201, 64 Stat. 59 ; amended
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
With respect to temporary housing remaining under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development on land under his control, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall (1) permit vacancies, occurring or continuing after July 1, 1953, to be filled only by transfer of tenants of other accommodations in the same locality being removed as required by subchapters II to VII of this chapter; (2) notify, on or before March 31, 1954, all tenants to vacate the premises prior to July 1, 1954; (3) promptly after July 1, 1954, cause actions to be instituted to evict any tenants still remaining; and (4) remove (by demolition or otherwise) all dwelling structures as soon as practicable after they become vacant: Provided, That in any case where a request for relinquishment or transfer has been filed pursuant to section 1581 of this title and where under the provisions of section 1581(c) of this title the date for compliance with all conditions to the relinquishment or transfer shall have been extended, each of the foregoing dates shall be extended for a period of time equal to the period of the extension under section 1581(c) of this title : And provided further, That nothing heretofore in this section shall apply (1) to any temporary housing in any municipality in which the total number of persons, who on December 31, 1948, were living in temporary family accommodations provided by the United States or any agency thereof since September 8, 1939, exceeds 30 per centum of the total population of such municipality as shown by the 1940 census, nor (2) to any temporary housing as to which the local governing body has adopted a resolution as provided in section 1582(c) of this title , nor (3) to any temporary housing for which a request has been submitted in accordance with section 1581(b) of this title , but which has not been relinquished or transferred solely because the applicant has been unable to obtain from the landowner the right to possession of the land on reasonable terms as determined by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Provided, That, in filling vacancies in such housing, the preferences set forth in section 1581(d)(1) of this title shall be applicable and that families within such preference classes shall be eligible for admission to such housing, nor (4) to any temporary housing in which accommodations have been reserved, prior to the enactment of this section, for veterans attending an educational institution if (i) such institution certifies that the accommodations are urgently needed for such veterans and submits facts showing, to the satisfaction of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, that all reasonable efforts have been made by the institution to find other accommodations for them and (ii) such institution agrees to reimburse the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for any financial loss to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the operation of the accommodations after June 30, 1951.
(Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title VI, §604, as added June 28, 1948, ch. 688, §7, as added Apr. 20, 1950, ch. 94, title II, §201, 64 Stat. 59 ; amended June 30, 1951, ch. 197, 65 Stat. 110 ; Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, title VI, §603(a), 65 Stat. 314 ; Ex. Ord. No. 10284, §§3–5, eff. Sept. 4, 1951, 16 F.R. 8971; Ex. Ord. No. 10339, eff. Apr. 7, 1952, 17 F.R. 3012;
Subchapters III and VI of this chapter, referred to in text, were comprised of sections 1531 to 1536 and 1571 to 1576, respectively, of this title and have been omitted from the Code. For further details, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
1951—Act Sept. 1, 1951, repealed former fourth and fifth provisos which related to adjustments in rentals that might be set for Government-owned temporary housing.
Act June 30, 1951, substituted "August 15, 1951" for "July 1, 1951".
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
Ex. Ord. No. 10284, Sept. 4, 1951, extended time for filling vacancies from Aug. 15, 1951, to July 1, 1952, for notices to vacate premises from Mar. 31, 1952, to Mar. 31, 1953, for time of vacating from July 1, 1952, to July 1, 1953, and for eviction from July 1, 1952, to July 1, 1953. See note set out under section 1589a of this title .
Ex. Ord. No. 10339, Apr. 7, 1952, set out as a note under section 1589a of this title , extended time for filling vacancies from July 1, 1952, to July 1, 1953, for notices to vacate premises from Mar. 31, 1953, to Mar. 31, 1954, for time of vacating from July 1, 1953, to July 1, 1954, and for eviction from July 1, 1953, to July 1, 1954.
The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may continue by lease or condemnation any interest less than a fee simple in lands heretofore acquired by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for national defense or war housing or for veterans' housing (whether of permanent or temporary character), or held by any Federal agency in connection therewith, and may acquire, by purchase or condemnation, a fee simple title to or lesser interest in any such lands if the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development determines that the acquisition of such fee simple or lesser interest is necessary to protect the Government's investment or to maintain the improvements constructed thereon, or that the cost of fulfilling the Government's obligation to restore the property to its original condition would equal or exceed the cost of acquiring the title thereto.
In any city in which, on March 1, 1953, there were more than ten thousand temporary housing units held by the United States of America, or any two contiguous cities in one of which there were on such date more than ten thousand temporary housing units so held, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may acquire, by purchase or condemnation, a fee simple title to any or all lands in which the Secretary holds a leasehold interest, or other interest less than a fee simple, acquired by the Federal Government for national defense or war housing or for veteran's housing where (1) the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development finds that the acquisition by the Secretary of a fee simple title in the land will tend to expedite the orderly disposal or removal of temporary housing under the Secretary's jurisdiction by facilitating the availability of improved sites for privately owned housing needed to replace such temporary housing, and will tend to expedite the transition of the city from a war-affected community containing, as of said date, a large number of temporary houses to a community having additional permanent, well-planned, residential neighborhoods, (2) the local governing body of the city makes a like finding and requests the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to acquire such title to the land, and (3) the city has furnished assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development that no individual who is employed by, or is an official of, the government of the city in which the land is located, or any agency thereof, shall be permitted, directly or indirectly, to have any financial interest in the purchase or redevelopment of such land: Provided, That such acquisitions by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to this sentence shall be limited to not exceeding four hundred and twenty-five acres of land in the general area in which approximately one thousand five hundred units of temporary housing held by the United States of America were unoccupied on said date: And provided further, That funds for such acquisition by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, which are authorized, pursuant to subsection (c) of this section and title II of the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1955, to be expended from the revolving fund established by section 1701g–5 of title 12 , shall be taken into consideration, to the extent that they are needed, in making any determination pursuant to the second proviso under that section. All or any part of any land so acquired by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may, during the five year period following the date of its acquisition, be sold by the Secretary, through negotiated sale, to such city or any local public agency where (1) the city or local public agency has represented to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development that it is duly authorized under State law to purchase and resell such land, that such land will be made available to private enterprise for development in accordance with local zoning and other laws, and that the aggregate of such land and any other land in the same city previously sold under the authority of this paragraph to the city or a local public agency will be developed for predominantly residential use, and (2) the city or local public agency has agreed to pay the fair market value of the land as determined by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, after giving consideration, among other relevant information, to the cost to the Federal Government of acquiring the fee simple title and of holding the land pending sale (including estimated amounts to cover legal and overhead expenses of such acquisition and to cover interest costs to the Federal Government of monies invested in the land pending sale). Any such negotiated sale of land to the city or a local public agency shall be made upon terms which require (1) that the city or public agency shall pay in cash at least one third of the price of the land upon its conveyance and the entire price within one year after its conveyance and (2) that any portion of the entire price not paid upon such conveyance shall be represented by an indebtedness which shall bear interest on outstanding balances at a rate of 4 per centum per annum and which shall be secured by a first mortgage lien upon the land or such portion of the land as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development deems adequate to protect the financial interest of the Federal Government. The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may, at any time that the Secretary deems it to be in the public interest to do so, dispose, under authority of other provisions of subchapters II to VII of this chapter, of any land acquired by the Secretary pursuant to this paragraph. Any land acquired by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to this paragraph which has not been disposed of within five years after its acquisition shall be disposed of by the Secretary as expeditiously as possible in the public interest in accordance with other authority contained in subchapters II to VII of this chapter. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 1546 of this title or any other provisions of law, no payments in lieu of taxes shall be made for any tax year beginning subsequent to the date of the acquisition of title to the property by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
In any case in which the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development holds, on or after April 1, 1950, an interest in land acquired by the Federal Government for national defense, war housing, or veterans' housing and where (1) the term of such interest (as prescribed in the taking or in the lease or other instruments) is for the "duration of the emergency" or "duration of the war", or "duration of the emergency" or "duration of the war" plus a specific period thereafter, or for some similarly prescribed term, and (2) the rental, award, or other consideration which the Federal Government is obligated to pay or furnish for such interest gives the owner of the land less than an annual return, after payment of real estate taxes, of 6 per centum of the lowest value placed on such land by an independent appraiser, hired by the Government to make such appraisal based on the value of the land before the acquisition of the Government's interest therein, plus 100 per centum of such value, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall, upon request of the owner of the land and, notwithstanding any existing contractual or other rights or obligations, increase the amount of future payments for such interest in order to give the owner of the land a return for the Government's use thereof not exceeding the 6 per centum annual return described in (2) of this subsection: Provided, That this subsection shall not affect any payment heretofore made or any future payment accepted by an obligee, nor shall this subsection limit the consideration which may be paid for the use of any land beyond the existing term of the Government's interest therein.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of law unless hereafter enacted expressly in limitation hereof, moneys shall be deposited in the reserve account established pursuant to subsection (a) and subsection (b) of section 1543 of this title (which account is hereby continued subject to the limitation as to amount specified in subsection (c) thereof) and all moneys deposited in such reserve account shall be and remain available for any or all of the purposes specified in said subsections (a) or (b) or in this section without regard to the time prescribed in subsection (c) of section 1543 of this title with respect to covering moneys in such account into miscellaneous receipts. Moneys in such reserve accounts shall also be available for the payment of necessary expenses (which shall be considered nonadministrative expenses) in connection with administering (1) transfers pursuant to section 1581 of this title , (2) redeterminations of the temporary or permanent character of demountable housing pursuant to section 1583 of this title , (3) changes in land tenure and revisions in the consideration payable to landowners pursuant to subsection 1 (a) and (b), and (4) transfers of permanent war housing for low-rent use pursuant to section 1586 of this title . Moneys in such reserve account shall also be available for the purpose of making improvements to, or alterations of, any permanent housing or part thereof if (1) the dwelling structures therein are designed for occupancy by not more than four families and are to be sold separately and (2) such improvement or alteration is requested by the local governing body as a condition to the acceptance of the dedication of streets or utilities or is necessary for compliance with local law or regulation relating to the continued operation or occupancy of the housing by a purchaser.
Title II of the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1955, referred to in subsec. (a), is title II of act June 24, 1954, ch. 359, 68 Stat. 294 . Provisions of title II that authorized funds for acquisition of housing sites are not classified to the Code.
Subchapters III and VI of this chapter, referred to in subsec. (a), were comprised of sections 1531 to 1536 and 1571 to 1576, respectively, of this title and have been omitted from the Code. For further details, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
Section 1543 of this title , referred to in subsec. (c), was omitted from the Code.
1955—Subsec. (a). Act Aug. 11, 1955, authorized Administrator to acquire a fee simple title to lands where he finds that such acquisition will tend to expedite the transition of the city from a war-affected community containing a large number of temporary houses to a community having additional permanent, well-planned, residential neighborhoods.
1954—Subsec. (a). Act Aug. 2, 1954, added second par.
1951—Subsec. (b). Act Sept. 1, 1951, in cl. (2), inserted "plus 100 per centum of such value", substituted "shall" for "is authorized" and "increase" for "to increase".
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is specifically authorized to convey the following housing projects to the following local public housing agencies respectively, if—
(1) on or before January 30, 1953, (i) the conveyance is requested by the governing body of the municipality or county and (ii) the public housing agency has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development that there is a need for low-rent housing (as such term is defined in the United States Housing Act of 1937 [ 42 U.S.C. 1437 et seq. ]) within the area of operation of such public housing agency which is not being met by private enterprise;
(2) the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development determines that the project requested will meet such need in whole or in part, and is suitable for low-rent housing use; and
(3) on or before June 30, 1953, the governing body of the municipality or county enters into an agreement with the public housing agency (satisfactory to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development) providing for local cooperation and payments in lieu of taxes not in excess of the amount permitted by subsection (c)(5) of this section, and the public housing agency enters into an agreement with the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (in accordance with subsection (c) of this section) or for the administration of the project:
State | Project number | Local public housing agency |
Alabama | 1041 | Housing Authority of District of Birmingham. |
1061 | Housing Authority of Greater Gadsden. | |
1062 | Housing Authority of Greater Gadsden. | |
1031 | Housing Board of Mobile. | |
1033 | Housing Board of Mobile. | |
1034 | Housing Board of Mobile. | |
1035 | Housing Board of Mobile. | |
1036 | Housing Board of Mobile. | |
1101 | Housing Board of Mobile. | |
1102 | Housing Board of Mobile. | |
1072 | Housing Authority of Sylacauga. | |
1076 | Housing Authority of Sylacauga. | |
1073 | Housing Authority of City of Talladega. | |
Arkansas | 3023 | Housing Authority of City of Conway. |
California | 4031 | Housing Authority of City of Fresno. |
4161 | Housing Authority of County of Kern. | |
4141 | Housing Authority of County of Kern. | |
4103 | Housing Authority of City of Los Angeles. | |
4104 | Housing Authority of City of Los Angeles. | |
4108 | Housing Authority of City of Los Angeles. | |
4121 | Housing Authority of City of Paso Robles. | |
4171 | Housing Authority of City of Richmond. | |
4174 | Housing Authority of City of Richmond. | |
Connecticut | 6091 | Housing Authority of City of Bristol. |
6024 | Housing Authority of Town of East Hartford. | |
6031 | Housing Authority of City of New Britain. | |
6032 | Housing Authority of City of New Britain. | |
6101 | Housing Authority of City of New Haven. | |
6041 | Housing Authority of City of Waterbury. | |
6213 | Housing Authority of City of Waterbury. | |
District of Columbia | 49012 | National Capital Housing Authority. |
49017 | National Capital Housing Authority. | |
49044 | National Capital Housing Authority. | |
Florida | 8052 | Housing Authority of City of Jacksonville. |
8121 | Housing Authority of City of Lakeland. | |
8062 | Housing Authority of City of Miami. | |
8011 | Housing Authority of City of Orlando. | |
8082 | Housing Authority of City of Pensacola. | |
8084 | Housing Authority of City of Pensacola. | |
8085 | Housing Authority of City of Pensacola. | |
8131 | Housing Authority of City of Sebring. | |
8041 | Housing Authority of City of West Palm Beach. | |
Georgia | 9071 | Housing Authority of City of Albany. |
9061 | Housing Authority of Macon. | |
9063 | Housing Authority of Macon. | |
9041 | Housing Authority of Savannah. | |
9042 | Housing Authority of Savannah. | |
9043 | Housing Authority of Savannah. | |
Illinois | 11081 | Madison County Housing Authority. |
11082 | Madison County Housing Authority. | |
11111 | Winnebago County Housing Authority. | |
11112 | Winnebago County Housing Authority. | |
Indiana | 12071 | Housing Authority of City of Fort Wayne. |
12021 | Housing Authority of City of South Bend. | |
Louisiana | 16051 | Housing Authority of Parish of East Baton Rouge. |
Maryland | 18095 | Housing Authority of Baltimore City. |
18096 | Housing Authority of Baltimore City. | |
18097 | Housing Authority of Baltimore City. | |
18098 | Housing Authority of Baltimore City. | |
Massachusetts | 19051 | Boston Housing Authority. |
19021 | Chicopee Housing Authority. | |
19022 | Chicopee Housing Authority. | |
19061 | Pittsfield Housing Authority. | |
19023 | Springfield Housing Authority. | |
Michigan | 20042 | Housing Commission of Detroit. |
Nevada | 26021 | Housing Authority of City of Las Vegas. |
New Hampshire | 27021 | Housing Authority of City of Manchester. |
New Jersey | 28044 | Housing Authority of City of Camden. |
28021 | Housing Authority of City of Long Branch. | |
28072 | Housing Authority of City of Newark. | |
28111 | Housing Authority of Town of Phillipsburg. | |
New York | 30031 | Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority. |
30032 | Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority. | |
30042 | Elmira Housing Authority. | |
30033 | Lackawanna Municipal Housing Authority. | |
30039 | Lackawanna Municipal Housing Authority. | |
30034 | Niagara Falls Housing Authority. | |
30071 | Niagara Falls Housing Authority. | |
30082 | Massena Housing Authority. | |
North Carolina | 31023 | Housing Authority of City of Wilmington. |
31024 | Housing Authority of City of Wilmington. | |
Ohio | 33031 | Canton Metropolitan Housing Authority. |
33033 | Canton Metropolitan Housing Authority. | |
33021 | Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority. | |
33071 | Cleveland Metropolitan Housing Authority. | |
33074 | Cleveland Metropolitan Housing Authority. | |
33075 | Cleveland Metropolitan Housing Authority. | |
33112 | Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority. | |
33261 | Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority. | |
33262 | Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority. | |
33041 | Warren Metropolitan Housing Authority. | |
33043 | Warren Metropolitan Housing Authority. | |
Oregon | 35021 | Housing Authority of Portland. |
Pennsylvania | 36051 | Housing Authority of County of Beaver. |
36058 | Housing Authority of County of Beaver. | |
36041 | Housing Authority of Bethlehem. | |
36042 | Housing Authority of Bethlehem. | |
36044 | Housing Authority of Bethlehem. | |
36151 | Allegheny County Housing Authority. | |
36152 | Allegheny County Housing Authority. | |
36061 | Housing Authority of County of Lawrence. | |
36021 | Housing Authority of City of Erie. | |
36031 | Housing Authority of County of Lycoming. | |
36011 | Housing Authority of Philadelphia. | |
36012 | Housing Authority of Philadelphia. | |
36014 | Housing Authority of Philadelphia. | |
36015 | Housing Authority of Philadelphia. | |
36016 | Housing Authority of Philadelphia. | |
36101 | Housing Authority of City of Pittsburgh. | |
36212 | Allegheny County Housing Authority. | |
36295 | Housing Authority of City of York. | |
Rhode Island | 37013 | Housing Authority of City of Newport. |
South Carolina | 38023 | Housing Authority of City of Charleston. |
38061 | Housing Authority of City of Charleston. | |
38041 | Housing Authority of City of Spartanburg. | |
38042 | Housing Authority of City of Spartanburg. | |
Tennessee | 40022 | Jackson Housing Authority. |
40023 | Milan Housing Authority. | |
40011 | Nashville Housing Authority. | |
40025 | Trenton Housing Authority. | |
Texas | 41064 | Housing Authority of City of Corpus Christi. |
41065 | Housing Authority of City of Corpus Christi. | |
41133 | Housing Authority of City of Freeport. | |
41031 | Housing Authority of City of Houston. | |
41131 | Housing Authority of City of Lake Jackson. | |
41101 | Housing Authority of City of Mineral Wells. | |
41103 | Housing Authority of City of Mineral Wells. | |
41072 | Housing Authority of City of Orange. | |
41032 | Housing Authority of City of Pasadena. | |
41141 | Housing Authority of City of Texarkana. | |
41121 | Housing Authority of City of Wichita Falls. | |
Virginia | 44131 | Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority. |
44132 | Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority. | |
44133 | Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority. | |
44135 | Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority. | |
44136 | Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority. | |
44065 | Newport News Redevelopment and Housing Authority. | |
44074 | Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority. | |
44086 | Portsmouth Redevelopment and Housing Authority. | |
Washington | 45043 | Housing Authority of City of Bremerton. |
45277N | Housing Authority of County of Clallam. | |
45315N | Housing Authority of County of Clallam. | |
45133 | Housing Authority of County of King. | |
45052 | Housing Authority of City of Seattle. | |
45053 | Housing Authority of City of Seattle. | |
45054 | Housing Authority of City of Seattle. | |
45055 | Housing Authority of City of Seattle. | |
45056 | Housing Authority of City of Seattle. | |
45122 | Housing Authority of City of Vancouver. |
In addition to the authority of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under the first sentence of this subsection, the Secretary is specifically authorized to convey any permanent war housing project to a local public housing agency if requested in writing, within sixty days after April 20, 1950, by such agency or the executive head of the municipality (or of the county or parish if such project is not in a municipality) within which the project is located, or by the Governor of the State where an agency of the State has authority to operate the project: Provided, That any conveyance by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to this sentence shall be subject to the same conditions and requirements as provided in this section with respect to a project specifically designated herein.
Upon the conveyance by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development of any such project pursuant to the provisions of this section, such project shall constitute and be deemed to be "low-rent housing" as that term is used and defined in the United States Housing Act of 1937 [ 42 U.S.C. 1437 et seq. ] (and to be a low-rent housing project assisted pursuant to that Act, within the meaning of section 1404a(b) of this title ). Any instrument of conveyance by the Administrator stating that it is executed under subchapters II to VII of this chapter shall be conclusive evidence of compliance therewith insofar as any title or other interest in the property is concerned.
The agreement between the public housing agency and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development required by subsection (a) of this section shall contain the following conditions and requirements, and may contain such further conditions, requirements, and provisions as the Secretary determines—
(1) during a period of forty years following the conveyance the project shall be administered as low-rent housing in accordance with subsections 2(1) and 2(2) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 [ 42 U.S.C. 1402(1) and (2)]: Provided, That if at any time during such period the public housing agency and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development agree that the project, or any part thereof, is no longer suitable for use as low-rent housing, the project, or part thereof, shall with the approval of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development be sold by the public housing agency after which the agreement shall be deemed to have terminated with respect to such project or part thereof except that the proceeds from such sale, after payment of the reasonable expense thereof, shall be paid to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, or, with the Secretary's approval, used to finance the repair or rehabilitation of a project or part thereof conveyed to the public housing agency under this section;
(2) the public housing agency shall, within six months following the conveyance, initiate a program for the removal of all families residing in the project on the date of conveyance who are ineligible under the provisions of the United States Housing Act of 1937 [ 42 U.S.C. 1437 et seq. ] for continued occupancy therein, and shall have required such ineligible tenants to vacate their dwellings within eighteen months after the initiation of such program: Provided, That military personnel as designated by the Secretary of Defense or his designee shall not be subject to such removal until eighteen months after the date of conveyance;
(3) annually during the term of such agreement, the public housing agency shall pay to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development all income from the project remaining after deducting the amounts necessary (as determined pursuant to regulations of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development) for (i) the payment of reasonable and proper costs of operating, maintaining, and approving such project, (ii) the payments in lieu of taxes authorized hereunder, (iii) the establishment and maintenance of reasonable and proper reserves as approved by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and (iv) the payment of currently maturing installments of principal of and interest on any indebtedness incurred by such public housing agency with the approval of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Provided, That the provisions of this paragraph shall not be applicable to any project which is consolidated under a single contract with one or more low-rent projects being assisted under the United States Housing Act of 1937 [ 42 U.S.C. 1437 et seq. ], and all income from any such project conveyed under this section may be commingled with funds of the project or projects with which it is consolidated and applied in accordance with the requirements of the consolidated contract and the provisions of section 10(c) of the said Act [ 42 U.S.C. 1410(c) ];
(4) during the term of such agreement, the project shall be exempt from all real and personal property taxes levied or imposed by the State, city, county, or other political subdivisions;
(5) for the tax year in which the conveyance is made and the next succeeding tax year annual payments in lieu of taxes may be made to the State, city, county, or other political subdivisions in amounts not in excess of the real property taxes which would be paid to such State, city, county, or other political subdivisions if the project were not exempt from taxation; and thereafter, during the term of such agreement, payments in lieu of taxes with respect to the project may be made in annual amounts which do not exceed 10 per centum of the annual shelter rents charged in such project;
(6) in selecting tenants for such project, the public housing agency shall give such preferences as are prescribed by subsection 10(g) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 [ 42 U.S.C. 1410g ], except that for one year after the date of conveyance of a project, the public housing agency shall, to the extent permitted by law, give such preferences, by allocation or otherwise, to military personnel as the Secretary of Defense or his designee prescribes to the public housing agency; and
(7) upon the occurrence of a substantial default in respect to the requirements and conditions to which the public housing agency is subject (as such substantial default shall be defined in such agreement), the public housing agency shall be obligated at the option of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, either to convey title in any case where, in the determination of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, (which determination shall be final and conclusive), such conveyance of title is necessary to achieve the purposes of this subchapter and the United States Housing Act of 1937 [ 42 U.S.C. 1437 et seq. ], or to deliver possession to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development of the project, as then constituted, to which such agreement relates: Provided, That in the event of such conveyance of title or delivery of possession, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may improve and administer such project as low-rent housing, and otherwise deal with such housing or parts thereof, subject, however, to the limitations contained in the applicable provisions of the United States Housing Act of 1937. The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall be obligated to reconvey or to redeliver possession of the project, as constituted at the time of reconveyance or redelivery, to such public housing agency or to its successor (if such public housing agency or a successor exists) upon such terms as shall be prescribed in such agreement and as soon as practicable after the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall be satisfied that all defaults with respect to the project have been cured, and that the project will, in order to fulfill the purposes of this subchapter and the United States Housing Act of 1937, thereafter be operated in accordance with the terms of such agreement. Any prior conveyances and reconveyances, deliveries and redeliveries of possession shall not exhaust the right to require a conveyance or delivery of possession of the project to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to this paragraph upon the subsequent occurrence of a substantial default.
At the end of each fiscal year, the total amount of payments during such year to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in accordance with subsection (c) of this section shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts.
(Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title VI, §606, as added June 28, 1948, ch. 688, §7, as added Apr. 20, 1950, ch. 94, title II, §201, 64 Stat. 59 ; amended by Ex. Ord. No. 10284, §§6, 7, eff. Sept. 4, 1951, 16 F.R. 8971; Ex. Ord. No. 10339, eff. Apr. 7, 1952, 17 F.R. 3012; Ex. Ord. No. 10425, eff. Jan. 16, 1953, 18 F.R. 405;
The United States Housing Act of 1937, referred to in subsecs. (a)(1), (b), and (c)(2), (3), (7), is act Sept. 1, 1937, ch. 896, as revised generally by
title II, §201(a), Aug. 22, 1974, 88 Stat. 653 , which is classified generally to chapter 8 (§1437 et seq.) of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note under section 1437 of this title and Tables.
Subchapters III and VI of this chapter, referred to in subsec. (b), were comprised of sections 1531 to 1536 and 1571 to 1576, respectively, of this title and have been omitted from the Code. For further details, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
Subsections 2(1) and 2(2) and section 10 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, referred to in subsec. (c)(1), (3), and (6), are references to sections 2 and 10 of the Act prior to the general revision of the Act by
. The Act as so revised is classified to section 1437 et seq. of this title . Provisions of former sections 2 and 10 are covered by sections 3 and 5 of the Act which are classified to sections 1437a and 1437d of this title .
1974—Subsec. (b).
§207(a), struck out provisions relating to payment of capital grants or annual contributions to low-rent housing projects.
§207(b), inserted provision relating to financing repair or rehabilitation of a project or part of project conveyed to public housing agency under this section.
1959—Subsec. (b).
§807(1), provided that if any such project is consolidated under a single annual contributions contract with any low-rent project being assisted with annual contributions under United States Housing Act of 1937, payment of any annual contribution on account of any project so assisted shall not be deemed to be a capital grant or annual contribution with respect to any project conveyed hereunder.
§807(2), inserted proviso making provisions of subsec. (c)(3) inapplicable to any project which is consolidated under a single contract with one or more low-rent projects being assisted under United States Housing Act of 1937, and permitting commingling of income from such project with funds of project or projects with which it is consolidated.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
Ex. Ord. No. 10284, Sept. 4, 1951, extended time for request for conveyance of housing projects from Dec. 31, 1950, to Dec. 31, 1951, and extended time for entering agreements with Public Housing Administration from June 30, 1951, to June 30, 1952. See note set out under section 1589a of this title .
Ex. Ord. No. 10339, Apr. 7, 1952, set out as a note under section 1589a of this title , extended time for request for conveyance of housing projects from Dec. 31, 1951, to Dec. 31, 1952, and extended time for entering agreements with Public Housing Administration from June 30, 1952, to June 30, 1953.
Ex. Ord. No. 10425, Jan. 16, 1953, set out as a note under section 1589a of this title , extended time for request for conveyance of housing projects from Dec. 31, 1952, to June 30, 1953.
The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall, subject to the provisions of this section, dispose of permanent war housing, other than housing conveyed pursuant to section 1586 of this title , as promptly as practicable and in the public interest.
Preference in the purchase of any dwelling structure designed for occupancy by not more than four families and offered for separate sale shall be granted to occupants and to veterans over other prospective purchasers for such period as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may determine and in the following order:
(1) a veteran who occupies a unit in the dwelling structure to be sold and who intends to continue to occupy such unit;
(2) a nonveteran who occupies a unit in the dwelling structure to be sold and who intends to continue to occupy such unit;
(3) a veteran who intends to occupy a unit in the dwelling structure to be sold.
Subject to the above order of preference, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may establish subordinate preferences for any such dwelling structure. In the disposition of any dwellings under this section which were acquired by the United States from persons occupying the dwellings at the time of such acquisition, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may, notwithstanding the order of preference provided in this section, grant a first preference to such persons in the purchase of any of these dwellings for such period and under such conditions as the Secretary may determine to be appropriate and in the public interest. As used in this subsection, the term "veteran" shall include a veteran, a serviceman, or the family of a veteran or a serviceman, or the family of a deceased veteran or serviceman whose death has been determined by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to be service-connected.
In the case of any housing project required by this section to be disposed of, which is not offered for separate sale of separate dwelling structures designed for occupancy by not more than four families, such project may be sold as a whole or in such portions as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may determine. On such sales of an entire project or portions thereof consisting of more than one dwelling structure or of an individual dwelling structure designed for occupancy by more than four families, first preference shall be given for such period not less than ninety days nor more than six months from the date of the initial offering of such project or portions thereof as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may determine, to groups of veterans organized on a mutual ownership or cooperative basis (provided that any such group shall accept as a member of its organization, on the same terms, subject to the same conditions, and with the same privileges and responsibilities, required of, and extended to other members of the group any tenant occupying a dwelling unit in such project, portion thereof or building, at any time during such period as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall deem appropriate, starting on the date of the announcement by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development of the availability of such project, portion thereof or building for sale), except that a first preference for said period of not less than ninety days nor more than six months shall be given to any group organized on a mutual or cooperative basis, which, with respect to its proposed purchase of a specific housing project or portions thereof, has, prior to August 1, 1949, been granted an exception by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development from the sales preference provisions of Public Regulation 1 of the Housing and Home Finance Agency and has been designated as a preferred purchaser.
The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall provide an equitable method of selecting the purchasers to apply when preferred purchasers (or groups of preferred purchasers) in the same preference class or containing members in the same preference class compete with each other.
Any housing disposed of in accordance with this section shall after such disposal be deemed to be housing accommodations the construction of which was completed after June 30, 1947, within the meaning of section 4 of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as amended, relating to preference or priority to veterans of World War II or their families.
Sales pursuant to this section shall be upon such terms as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall determine: Provided, That full payment to the Government for the property sold shall be required within a period not exceeding twenty-five years with interest on unpaid balances at not less than 4 per centum per annum, except that in the case of projects initially programmed as mutual housing communities under the defense housing program, the terms of sale shall not require a down payment and shall provide for full payment to the United States over a period of forty-five years with interest on unpaid balances at not more than 3 per centum per annum.
The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may dispose of any permanent war housing without regard to the preferences in subsections (b) and (c) of this section when the Secretary determines that (1) such housing, because of design or lack of amenities, is unsuitable for family dwelling use, or (2) it is being used at the time of disposition for other than dwelling purposes, or (3) it was offered, with preferences substantially similar to those provided in the Housing Act of 1950, to veterans and occupants prior to April 20, 1950.
Section 4 of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as amended, referred to in subsec. (e), is section 4 of act June 30, 1947, ch. 163, title I, 61 Stat. 195 , which was formerly classified to section 1884 of the former Appendix to Title 50, War and National Defense, and has been omitted from the Code.
The Housing Act of 1950, referred to in subsec. (g), is act Apr. 20, 1950, ch. 94, 64 Stat. 48 . For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title of 1950 Amendment note set out under section 1701 of Title 12 , Banks and Banking, and Tables.
1991—Subsec. (b).
substituted "Secretary of Veterans Affairs" for "Veterans' Administration" in last sentence.
1954—Subsec. (b). Act Mar. 10, 1954, in last paragraph, inserted sentence permitting Administrator to give, in the disposition of dwellings under this section which were acquired by the United States from persons occupying the dwellings at the time of such acquisition, a first preference to such persons in the purchase thereof.
Subsec. (g). Act Aug. 2, 1954, added subsec. (g).
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any land acquired under subchapters II to VII of this chapter or any other Act in connection with war or veterans' housing, but upon which no dwellings are located at the time of sale, may be sold at fair value, as determined by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to any agency organized for slum clearance or to provide subsidized housing for persons of low income.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any personal property held under subchapters II to VII of this chapter, and not sold with a project or building, may be sold at fair value, as determined by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to any agency organized for slum clearance or to provide subsidized housing for persons of low income. Any sale of personal property under this subsection shall be made on a cash basis, payable at the time of settlement.
(Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title VI, §608, as added June 28, 1948, ch. 688, §7, as added Apr. 20, 1950, ch. 94, title II, §201, 64 Stat. 59 ; amended Aug. 11, 1955, ch. 787, 69 Stat. 668 ;
Subchapters III and VI of this chapter, referred to in text, were comprised of sections 1531 to 1536 and 1571 to 1576, respectively, of this title and have been omitted from the Code. For further details, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
1955—Act Aug. 11, 1955, designated existing provisions as subsec. (a) and added subsec. (b).
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is authorized to convey by quit claim deed, without consideration, to any State for National Guard purposes any land, together with any nondwelling structures thereon, held under subchapters II to VII of this chapter or any other Act in connection with war or veterans' housing: Provided, That the United States shall be saved harmless from or reimbursed for such costs incidental to the conveyance as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may deem proper: Provided further, That the conveyance of such land shall contain the express condition that if the grantee shall fail or cease to use such land for such purposes, or shall alienate (or attempt to alienate) such land, title thereto shall, at the option of the United States, revert to the United States.
(Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title VI, §609, as added June 28, 1948, ch. 688, §7, as added Apr. 20, 1950, ch. 94, title II, §201, 64 Stat. 59 ; amended
Subchapters III and VI of this chapter, referred to in text, were comprised of sections 1531 to 1536 and 1571 to 1576, respectively, of this title and have been omitted from the Code. For further details, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the President is authorized to extend, for such period or periods as he shall specify, the time within which any action is required or permitted to be taken by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development or others under the provisions of this subchapter or section 1553 of this title (or any contract entered into pursuant thereto), upon a determination by him, after considering the needs of national defense and the effect of such extension upon the general housing situation and the national economy, that such extension is in the public interest.
1952—Act July 14, 1952, inserted "or section 1553 of this title " immediately before parenthetical clause, and substituted "thereto" for "of this subchapter" in parenthetical clause.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
Ex. Ord. No. 10284, Sept. 1, 1951, 16 F.R. 8971, was superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 10339, Apr. 5, 1952, 17 F.R. 3012.
Ex. Ord. No. 10339, Apr. 7, 1952, 17 F.R. 3012, as amended by Ex. Ord. No. 10425, Jan. 16, 1953, 18 F.R. 405, provided:
1. [Superseded. Ex. Ord. No. 10425, Jan. 16, 1953, 18 F.R. 405.]
2. The time stipulated in subsection (c) of section 601 of the Act [ section 1581(c) of this title ] on or before which all conditions to relinquishments or transfers pursuant to requests made under subsections (a), (b) and (g) of that section must be complied with is extended to June 30, 1953.
3. The time stipulated in section 604 of the Act [ section 1584 of this title ] after which vacancies occurring or continuing in temporary housing remaining under the jurisdiction of the Housing and Home Finance Administrator on land under his control may be filled only by transfer of tenants of other accommodations in the same locality being removed as required by the Act is extended to July 1, 1953.
4. The time stipulated in section 604 of the Act [ section 1584 of this title ] on or before which all tenants must be notified to vacate the premises is extended to March 31, 1954; and the time required to be stipulated in such notices prior to which the premises must be vacated is extended to July 1, 1954.
5. The time stipulated in section 604 of the Act [ section 1584 of this title ] promptly after which actions must be instituted to evict any tenants still remaining is extended to July 1, 1954.
6. [Superseded. Ex. Ord. No. 10425, Jan. 16, 1953, 18 F.R. 405.]
7. The time stipulated in section 606(a)(3) of the Act [ section 1586(a)(3) of this title ] on or before which the governing body of the municipality or county must enter into an agreement with the public housing agency satisfactory to the Public Housing Administration providing for local cooperation and payments in lieu of taxes and on or before which the public housing agency must enter into an agreement with the Public Housing Administration for the administration of any project requested under section 606(a) of the Act [ section 1586(a) of this title ] is extended to June 30, 1953.
This order supersedes Executive Order 10284, dated September 1, 1951.
Ex. Ord. No. 10385, Aug. 16, 1952, 17 F.R. 7525, provided:
The time stipulated in section 313 of the said act approved October 14, 1940, as amended [ section 1553 of this title ], within which, subject to the qualifications stated in the said section 313 [ section 1553 of this title ], housing of a temporary character under the jurisdiction of the Housing and Home Finance Administrator and constructed under certain laws must be removed is hereby extended from December 31, 1952, to July 1, 1954.
Ex. Ord. No. 10395, Sept. 18, 1952, 17 F.R. 8449, as amended by Ex. Ord. No. 10425, Jan. 16, 1953, 18 F.R. 405, provided:
1. [Superseded. Ex. Ord. No. 10425, Jan. 16, 1953, 18 F.R. 405.]
2. The time stipulated in subsection (c) of section 601 of the Act [ section 1581(c) of this title ] on or before which all conditions to relinquishments or transfers pursuant to requests made under subsection (h) of that section must be complied with is extended to June 30, 1953.
Ex. Ord. No. 10425, Jan. 16, 1953, 18 F.R. 405, provided:
1. The time stipulated in subsection (c) of section 601 of the act [ section 1581(c) of this title ] on or before which requests must be filed under subsections (a), (b), (g), and (h) of that section is extended to June 30, 1953.
2. The time stipulated in section 606(a)(1) of the action or before which conveyance of the housing projects listed in section 606(a)(3) of the act [ section 1586(2)(1) of this title ] must be requested by the governing body of the municipality or county and on or before which the need for low-rent housing must be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Administrator is extended to June 30, 1953.
This order supersedes paragraphs 1 and 6 of Executive Order No. 10339 of April 5, 1952 [set out above], and paragraph 1 of Executive Order No. 10395 of September 18, 1952 [set out above].
Ex. Ord. No. 10462, June 19, 1953, 18 F.R. 3613, provided:
1. The Housing and Home Finance Administrator is hereby designated and empowered to perform, without the approval, ratification, or other action by the President, the functions vested in the President by section 611 of the act entitled "An Act to expedite the provision of housing in connection with national defense, and for other purposes," approved October 14, 1940, as amended ( 42 U.S.C. 1589a ).
2. The meaning of the terms "perform" and "functions" as used in this order shall be the same as the meaning of those terms as used in chapter 4 of title 3 of the United States Code .
The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development notwithstanding any other provisions of subchapters II to VII of this chapter or any other law except provisions hereafter enacted expressly in amendment hereof, is authorized to establish income limitations for occupancy of any housing held by him under subchapters II to VII of this chapter and, giving consideration to the ability of such tenants to obtain other housing accommodations, to require tenants, admitted to occupancy prior to the establishment of such income limitations and who have incomes in excess of limitations established by him, to vacate such housing.
(Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title VI, §612, as added Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, title VI, §603(d), 65 Stat. 314 ; amended
Subchapters III and VI of this chapter, referred to in text, were comprised of sections 1531 to 1536 and 1571 to 1576, respectively, of this title and have been omitted from the Code. For further details, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
Upon a certification by the Secretary of the Interior that any surplus housing, classified by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development as demountable, in the area of San Diego, California, is needed to provide dwelling accommodations for members of a tribe of Indians in Riverside County or San Diego County or Imperial County, California, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is authorized, notwithstanding any other provision of law, to transfer and convey such housing without consideration to such tribe, the members thereof, or the Secretary of the Interior in trust therefor, as the Secretary may prescribe: Provided, That the term housing as used in this section shall not include land.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
Notwithstanding the provisions of this or any other law, (1) any housing to be sold on-site determined by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to be permanent, located on lands owned by the United States and under the jurisdiction of the Secretary, which is not relinquished, transferred, under contract of sale, sold, or otherwise disposed of by the Secretary under other provisions of this subchapter or under the provisions of other law by January 1, 1957, except housing which is determined by the Secretary by that date to be suitable for sale in accordance with section 1587(b) of this title ; and (2) any permanent housing to be sold off-site which is not relinquished, transferred, under contract of sale, sold, or otherwise disposed of prior to August 7, 1956, shall be disposed of, as expeditiously as possible, on a competitive basis to the highest responsible bidder upon such terms and after such public advertisement as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may deem in the public interest; except that the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may reject any bid which the Secretary deems less than the fair market value of the property and may thereafter dispose of the property by negotiation.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this or any other law, all contracts entered into after August 7, 1956, for the sale, transfer, or other disposal of housing (other than housing subject to the provisions of section 1587(b) of this title ) determined by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to be permanent, except contracts entered into pursuant to subsection (a) hereof, shall require that if title does not pass to the purchaser by April 1, 1957 (or within sixty days thereafter if such time is necessary to cure defects in title in accordance with the provisions of the contract), the rights of the purchaser shall terminate and thereafter the housing shall be sold under the provisions of subsection (a) hereof. For the purposes of this subsection, title shall be considered to have passed upon the execution of a conditional sales contract.
The dates set forth in subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall not be subject to change by virtue of the provisions of section 1589a of this title .
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
As used in this subchapter, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them below, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(a) The term "governing body of the municipality or county" means the governing body of the city, village, or other municipality having general governmental authority over the area in which the housing involved is located or, if the housing is not located in such a municipality, the term means the governing body of the county or parish in which the housing is located, or if the housing is located in the District of Columbia the term means the Council of the District of Columbia.
(b) The term "housing" means any housing under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (including trailers and other mobile or portable housing) constructed, acquired, or made available under subchapters II to VII of this chapter or Public Law 781, Seventy-sixth Congress, approved September 9, 1940, or Public Laws 9, 73, or 353, Seventy-seventh Congress, approved, respectively, March 1, 1941, May 24, 1941, and December 17, 1941, or any other law, and includes in addition to dwellings any structures, appurtenances, and other property, real or personal, acquired for or held in connection therewith.
(c) The term "temporary housing" means any housing (as defined in (b)) which the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development has determined to be "of a temporary character" pursuant to subchapters II to VII of this chapter and shall also include any such housing after rights thereto have been relinquished or transferred under this subchapter or section 1575 of this title .
(d) The terms "veteran" and "serviceman" mean "veteran" and "serviceman" as those terms are defined in the United States Housing Act of 1937 [ 42 U.S.C. 1437 et seq. ].
(e) The term "State" means any State, Territory, dependency, or possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia.
(f) The term "going Federal rate of interest" means "going Federal rate" as that term is defined in the United States Housing Act of 1937 [ 42 U.S.C. 1437 et seq. ].
(g) The term "United States Housing Act of 1937" [ 42 U.S.C. 1437 et seq. ] means the provisions of that Act, including all amendments thereto, now or hereafter adopted, except provisions relating to the initial construction of a project or dwelling units.
(Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 862, title VI, §610, as added June 28, 1948, ch. 688, §7, as added Apr. 20, 1950, ch. 94, title II, §201, 64 Stat. 59 ; amended
§5(a), Sept. 9, 1965, 79 Stat. 669 ; 1967 Reorg. Plan No. 3, §402(432), eff. Nov. 3, 1967, 32 F.R. 11669, 81 Stat. 948 ;
Subchapters III and VI of this chapter, referred to in subsecs. (b) and (c), were comprised of sections 1531 to 1536 and 1571 to 1576, respectively, of this title and have been omitted from the Code. For further details, see note set out under section 1522 of this title .
The provisions of Public Law 781, and Public Laws 9, 73, or 353, referred to in subsec. (b), are not classified to the Code. For further details, see note set out under section 1524 of this title .
The United States Housing Act of 1937, referred to in subsecs. (d), (f), and (g), is act Sept. 1, 1937, ch. 896, as revised generally by
title II, §201(a), Aug. 22, 1974, 88 Stat. 653 , which is classified generally to chapter 8 (§1437 et seq.) of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 1437 of this title and Tables.
In subsec. (a), "Council of the District of Columbia" substituted for "District of Columbia Council" pursuant to
title IV, §401, Dec. 24, 1973, 87 Stat. 785 . District of Columbia Council, as established by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1967, abolished as of noon Jan. 2, 1975, by
title VII, §711, Dec. 24, 1973, 87 Stat. 818 , and replaced by Council of District of Columbia, as provided by section 401 of
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
Previously, reference to Board of Commissioners of District of Columbia had been changed to District of Columbia Council pursuant to section 402(432) of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1967, 32 F.R. 11669, eff. Nov. 3, 1967, set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, which transferred the regulatory and other functions of Board of Commissioners relating to functions under this subchapter previously vested in Board of Commissioners pursuant to this section to District of Columbia Council, subject to the right of the Commissioner as provided by section 406 of the Plan. For provisions establishing District of Columbia Council, see section 201 of the Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1967.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, the authority contained in titles II or III of this Act shall not be exercised in any area unless the President shall have determined that such area is a critical defense housing area.
(b) No area shall be determined to be a critical defense housing area pursuant to this section unless the President finds that in such area all the following conditions exist:
(1) a new defense plant or installation has been or is to be provided, or an existing defense plant or installation has been or is to be reactivated or its operation substantially expanded;
(2) substantial in-migration of defense workers or military personnel is required to carry out activities at such plant or installation; and
(3) a substantial shortage of housing required for such defense workers or military personnel exists or impends which impedes or threatens to impede activities at such defense plant or installation, or that community facilities or services required for such defense workers or military personnel are not available or are insufficient, or both, as the case may be.
This Act, referred to in subsecs. (a), (c), and (d), means act Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, 65 Stat. 293 , known as the Defense Housing and Community Facilities and Services Act of 1951. Title II of this Act enacted subchapter X (§1750 et seq.) of chapter 13 of Title 12 , Banks and Banking, and amended sections 371, 1430, 1702, 1706, 1715c, 1715f, 1716, and 1743 of Title 12 . Title III of this Act is classified generally to subchapter IX (§1592 et seq.) of this chapter. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title of 1951 Amendment note set out under section 1501 of this title and Tables.
1953—Subsec. (a). Act June 30, 1953, substituted "titles II or III" for "titles II, III, or IV".
Act Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, title VI, §617, 65 Stat. 317 , provided that: "Insofar as the provisions of any other law are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act [see Short Title of 1951 Amendment note set out under section 1501 of this title ], the provisions of this Act shall be controlling."
Act Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, title VI, §618, 65 Stat. 317 , provided in second sentence that: "Notwithstanding any other evidence of the intention of Congress, it is hereby declared to be the controlling intent of Congress that if any provisions of this Act [see Short Title of 1951 Amendment note set out under section 1501 of this title ], or the application thereof to any persons or circumstances, shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder of this Act or its application to other persons and circumstances, but shall be confined in its operation to the provisions of this Act or the application thereof to the persons and circumstances directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered."
In order to assure that private enterprise shall be afforded full opportunity to provide the defense housing needed wherever possible, in any area which the President, pursuant to the authority contained in section 1591 of this title , has declared to be a critical defense housing area—
first, the number of permanent dwelling units (including information as to types, rentals, and general locations) needed for defense workers and military personnel in such critical defense housing area shall be publicly announced and printed in the Federal Register by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development;
second, residential credit restrictions under the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended [ 50 U.S.C. 4501 et seq. ], (1) as to housing to be sold at $12,000 or less per unit or to be rented at $85 or less per unit per month, shall be suspended with respect to the number and types of housing units at the sales prices or rentals which the President determines to be needed in such area for defense workers or military personnel, and (2) as to all other housing, shall be relaxed in such manner and to such extent as the President determines to be necessary and appropriate to obtain the production of such housing needed in such area for defense workers or military personnel;
third, the mortgage insurance aids provided under title II of this Act shall be made available to obtain the production of housing needed in such area for defense workers or military personnel; and
fourth, no permanent housing shall be constructed by the Federal Government under the provisions of subchapter IX of this chapter except to the extent that private builders or eligible mortgagees have not, within a period of not less than ninety days (as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall specify) following public announcement of the availability of such mortgage insurance aids under title II of this Act, indicated through bona fide applications (which meet the requirements as to types, rentals, or sales prices, and general locations) for exceptions from such residential credit restrictions or for mortgage insurance or guaranty that they will provide the housing determined to be needed in such area for defense workers and military personnel and publicly announced as provided by subsection (a) of this section.
The Defense Production Act of 1950, referred to in subsec. (b), is act Sept. 8, 1950, ch. 932, 64 Stat. 798 , which is classified to chapter 55 (§4501 et seq.) of Title 50 , War and National Defense. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Tables.
This Act, referred to in subsecs. (c) and (d), means act Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, 65 Stat. 293 , known as the Defense Housing and Community Facilities and Services Act of 1951. Title II of this Act enacted subchapter X (§1750 et seq.) of chapter 13 of Title 12 , Banks and Banking, and amended sections 371, 1430, 1702, 1706, 1715c, 1715f, 1716, and 1743 of Title 12 . For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title of 1951 Amendment note set out under section 1501 of this title and Tables.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
In order to assure that community facilities or services required in connection with national defense activities shall, wherever possible, be provided by the appropriate local agencies with local funds, in any area which the President, pursuant to the authority contained in section 1591 of this title , has declared to be a critical defense housing area—
no loan shall be made pursuant to subchapter IX of this chapter for the provision of community facilities or equipment therefor required in connection with national defense activities in such area unless the chief executive officer of the appropriate political subdivision certifies, and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development finds, that such facilities or equipment could not otherwise be provided when needed;
no grant or other payment shall be made pursuant to subchapter IX of this chapter for the provision, or for the operation and maintenance, of community facilities or equipment therefor, or for the provision of community services, required in connection with national defense activities in such area unless the chief executive officer of the appropriate political subdivision certifies, and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development finds, that such community facilities or services cannot otherwise be provided when needed, or operated and maintained, as the case may be, without the imposition of an increased excessive tax burden or an unusual or excessive increase in the debt limit of the appropriate local agency; and
no community facilities or services shall be provided, and no community facilities shall be maintained and operated, by the United States directly except where the appropriate local agency is demonstrably unable to provide such facilities and services, or to maintain or operate such community facilities and services adequately with its own personnel, with loans, grants, or payments authorized to be made pursuant to subchapter IX of this chapter.
For the purposes of this section, the term "chief executive officer of the appropriate political subdivision" shall mean appropriate principal executive officer or governing body having primary responsibility with respect to the community facility or service involved, but shall not, in any case, mean any public housing authority, or its governing body, or any of its officers, acting in such capacity.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
After June 30, 1953, no construction of permanent housing may be begun under subchapter IX of this chapter. After July 31, 1954, (a) no mortgage may be insured under title IX of the National Housing Act, as amended [ 12 U.S.C. 1750 et seq. ] (except (i) pursuant to a commitment to insure issued on or before such date or (ii) after July 31, 1954, and until August 1, 1955, during such period, or for such project or projects, as the President may designate hereunder or (iii) pursuant to a commitment to insure issued pursuant to the preceding clause (ii)), (b) no agreement may be made to extend assistance for the provision of community facilities or services under subchapter IX of this chapter, and no construction of temporary housing or community facilities by the United States may be begun under such subchapter, except after July 31, 1954, and until August 1, 1955, during such period, or for such project or projects, as the President may designate hereunder: Provided, That to the extent necessary to assure the adequate completion of any facilities for which prior agreements have been made under subchapter IX, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may, at any time after July 31, 1954, enter into amendatory agreements under such subchapter involving the expenditure of additional Federal funds within the balance available therefor on or before such date, (c) no loan may be made or obligations purchased by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under section 1701g–1 of title 12 (except pursuant to a commitment issued on or before June 30, 1953, or to refinance an existing loan or existing obligations held under such section by said Secretary on June 30, 1953).
The National Housing Act, referred to in text, is act June 27, 1934, ch. 847, 48 Stat. 1246 . Title IX of the National Housing Act is title IX of act June 27, 1934, ch. 847, as added by act Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, title II, §201, 65 Stat. 295 , which is classified generally to subchapter X (§1750 et seq.) of chapter 13 of Title 12 , Banks and Banking. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see section 1701 of Title 12 and Tables.
Section 1701g–1 of title 12 , referred to in text, has been omitted from the Code.
1955—Act Aug. 11, 1955, inserted item (iii) in cl. (a).
Act June 30, 1955, substituted "August 1, 1955" for "July 1, 1955" in two places in second sentence.
1954—Act Aug. 2, 1954, gave President standby authority to use mortgage insurance authority under title IX of the National Housing Act and the provisions in subchapter IX of this chapter for Federal aid in providing defense housing and community facilities and services in critical defense areas, in substitution for provisions under which authority for new projects under these two programs would have expired on June 30, 1954, and authorized the Housing and Home Finance Administrator to enter into amendatory agreements after June 30, 1954, to provide additional Federal assistance with respect to defense community facilities undertaken on or before such date where he finds it necessary to do so to assure the adequate completion of such facilities.
Act June 29, 1954, substituted "July 31, 1954" for "June 30, 1954" at beginning of second sentence.
1953—Act June 30, 1953, inserted sentence prohibiting the beginning of permanent housing construction under subchapter IX of this chapter, after June 30, 1953; substituted "June 30, 1954" for "June 30, 1953" at beginning of present second sentence and "temporary housing" for "housing" in cl. (b) of present second sentence; struck a former cl. (c) out of existing second sentence which provided that (after June 30, 1953) no land might be acquired by the Housing and Home Finance Administrator under subchapter X of this chapter; and redesignated cl. (d) as (c).
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
Except as may be otherwise expressly provided in this Act, all powers and authorities conferred by this Act shall be cumulative and additional to and not in derogation of any powers and authorities otherwise existing.
This Act, referred to in text, means act Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, 65 Stat. 293 , known as the Defense Housing and Community Facilities and Services Act of 1951. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title of 1951 Amendment note set out under section 1501 of this title and Tables.
Section constitutes the first sentence of section 618 of act Sept. 1, 1951. Remainder of section 618 is set out in Separability note under section 1591 of this title .
Establishment of revolving fund under which to account for assets and liabilities in connection with community facilities or defense housing under sections 1592 to 1592o of this title , see section 1701g–5 of Title 12 , Banks and Banking.
For prohibition of construction of housing or community facilities by United States under this subchapter, see section 1591c of this title .
Subject to the provisions and limitations of this subchapter and subchapter VIII of this chapter, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (hereinafter referred to as the "Secretary") is authorized to provide housing in any areas (subject to the provisions of section 1591 of this title ) needed for defense workers or military personnel or to extend assistance for the provision of, or to provide, community facilities or services required in connection with national defense activities in any area which the President, pursuant to the authority contained in said section, has determined to be a critical defense housing area.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
Consistent with other requirements of national defense, any permanent housing constructed pursuant to the authority of this subchapter shall consist of one- to four-family dwelling structures (including row houses) so arranged that they may be offered for separate sale. All housing of permanent construction which is constructed or acquired under the authority of this subchapter shall be sold as expeditiously as possible and in the public interest taking into consideration the continuation of the need for such housing by persons engaged in national defense activities. All dwelling structures of permanent construction designed for occupancy by not more than four families (including row houses) shall be offered for sale, and preference in the purchase of any such dwelling structure shall be granted to occupants and to veterans over other prospective purchasers. As among veterans, preference in the purchase of any such dwelling structure shall be given to disabled veterans whose disability has been determined by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to be service-connected. All dwelling structures of permanent construction in any housing project which are designed for occupancy by more than four families (and other structures in such project which are not sold separately) shall be sold as an entity. On such sales first preference shall be given for such period not less than ninety days nor more than six months from the date of the initial offering of such project as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may determine, to groups of veterans organized on a mutual ownership or cooperative basis (provided that any such group shall accept as a member of its organization, on the same terms, subject to the same conditions, and with the same privileges and responsibilities, required of, and extended to, other members of the group any tenant occupying a dwelling unit in such project, at any time during such period as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall deem appropriate, starting on the date of the announcement by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development of the availability of such project). The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall provide an equitable method of selecting the purchasers when preferred purchasers (or groups of preferred purchasers) in the same preference class or containing members in the same preference class compete with each other. Sales pursuant to this section shall be for cash or credit, upon such terms as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall determine, and at the fair value of the property as determined by the Secretary: Provided, That full payment to the Government for the property sold shall be required within a period of not exceeding twenty-five years with interest on unpaid balances at not less than 4 per centum per annum.
Where it is necessary to provide housing under this subchapter in locations where, in the determination of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, there appears to be no need for such housing beyond the period during which it is needed for housing persons engaged in national defense activities, the provisions of section 1591a of this title shall not be applicable and temporary housing which is of a mobile or portable character or which is otherwise constructed so as to be available for reuse at other locations or existing housing built or acquired by the United States under authority of any other law shall be provided. Any temporary housing constructed or acquired under this subchapter which the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development determines to be no longer needed for use under this subchapter shall, unless transferred to the Department of Defense pursuant to section 1592e of this title , or reported as excess to the Administrator of the General Services Administration pursuant to chapters 1 to 11 of title 40 and division C (except sections 3302, 3307(e), 3501(b), 3509, 3906, 4710, and 4711) of subtitle I of title 41, be sold as soon as practicable to the highest responsible bidder after public advertising, except that if one or more of such bidders is a veteran purchasing a dwelling unit for his own occupancy the sale of such unit shall be made to the highest responsible bidder who is a veteran so purchasing: Provided, That the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may reject any bid for less than two-thirds of the appraised value as determined by him: Provided further, That the housing may be sold at fair value (as determined by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development) to a public body for public use: And provided further, That the housing structures shall be sold for removal from the site, except that they may be sold for use on the site if the governing body of the locality has adopted a resolution approving use of such structures on the site.
When the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development determines that any housing provided under this subchapter is no longer required for persons engaged in national defense activities, preference in admission to occupancy thereof shall be given to veterans pending its ultimate sale or disposition in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter. As among veterans, preference in admission to occupancy shall be given to disabled veterans whose disability has been determined by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to be service-connected.
In subsec. (b), "chapters 1 to 11 of title 40 and division C (except sections 3302, 3307(e), 3501(b), 3509, 3906, 4710, and 4711) of subtitle I of title 41" substituted for "the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended" on authority of
§5(c), Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1303 , which Act enacted Title 40, Public Buildings, Property, and Works, and
§6(c), Jan. 4, 2011, 124 Stat. 3854 , which Act enacted Title 41, Public Contracts.
1991—Subsecs. (a), (c).
substituted "Secretary of Veterans Affairs" for "Veterans' Administration".
1954—Subsec. (b). Act Aug. 2, 1954, in second sentence, substituted provisions prescribing the disposition procedure, for former provisions that the housing should "be disposed of by the Administrator not later than the date, and subject to the conditions and requirements, hereafter prescribed by the Congress: Provided, That nothing in this sentence shall be construed as prohibiting the Administrator from removing any such housing by demolition or otherwise prior to the enactment of such legislation".
1952—Subsec. (b). Act July 14, 1952, inserted "or existing housing built or acquired by the United States under authority of any other law" after "for reuse at other locations".
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
The cost per family dwelling unit for any housing project constructed under the authority of this subchapter shall not exceed an average of $9,000 for two-bedroom units in such project, $10,000 for three-bedroom units in such project, and $11,000 for four-bedroom units in such project: Provided, That the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may increase any such dollar limitation by not exceeding $1,000 in any geographical area where he finds that cost levels so require: Provided further, That in the Territories and possessions of the United States the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may increase any such dollar limitation by 50 per centum: And provided further, That for the purposes of this section the cost of any land acquired by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development upon the filing of a declaration of taking in proceedings for the condemnation of fee title shall be considered to be the amount determined by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development upon the basis of competent appraisal, to be the value thereof.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
In furtherance of the purposes of this subchapter and subject to the provisions hereof, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may make loans or grants, or other payments, to public and nonprofit agencies for the provision, or for the operation and maintenance, of community facilities and equipment therefor, or for the provision of community services, upon such terms and in such amounts as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may consider to be in the public interest: Provided, That grants under this subchapter to any local agency for hospital construction may be made only after such action by the local agency to secure assistance under Public Law 725, Seventy-ninth Congress, approved August 13, 1946, as amended, or Public Law 380, Eighty-first Congress, approved October 25, 1949, as is determined to be reasonable under the circumstances, and only to the extent that the required assistance is not available to such local agency under said Public Law 725, or said Public Law 380, as the case may be: Provided further, That grants or payments for the provision, or for the maintenance and operation, of community facilities or services under this section shall not exceed the portion of the cost of the provision, or the maintenance and operation, of such facilities or services which the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development estimates to be attributable to the national defense activities in the area and not to be recovered by the public or nonprofit agency from other sources, including payments by the United States under any other provisions of this Act or any other law: And provided further, That any such continuing grant or payment shall be reexamined and adjusted annually upon the basis of the ability of the agency to bear a greater portion of the cost of such maintenance, operation, or services as a result of increased revenues made possible by such facility or by such defense activities.
Public Law 725, Seventy-ninth Congress, approved Aug. 13, 1946, as amended, referred to in text, means act Aug. 13, 1946, ch. 958, 60 Stat. 1041 , as amended, known as the Hospital Survey and Construction Act. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Tables.
Public Law 380, Eighty-first Congress, approved Oct. 25, 1949, referred to in text, means act Oct. 25, 1949, ch. 722, 63 Stat. 898 , known as the Hospital Survey and Construction Amendments of 1949, which amended sections 291, 291d, 291f, 291g, 291h, 291i, 291j, 291n, and enacted provisions set out as notes under section 291 of this title . For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Tables.
This Act, referred to in text, means act Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, 65 Stat. 293 , known as the Defense Housing and Community Facilities and Services Act of 1951. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title of 1951 Amendment note set out under section 1501 of this title and Tables.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
title IX, §906, June 30, 1961, 75 Stat. 191 , provided that notwithstanding section 1591c of this title , the authority under this section to make loans or grants, or other payments to public and non-profit agencies for the construction of hospitals was revived and extended with respect to public and nonprofit agencies which had, prior to June 30, 1953, applied under this section, for such loans or grants, or other payments for the construction of hospitals, and had been denied such loans or grants, or other payments solely because of the unavailability of funds for such purpose, provided that the authority granted by this section was to expire June 30, 1962, and authorized appropriations for fiscal years ending June 30, 1962.
With respect to any housing or community facilities or services which the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is authorized to provide, or any property which he is authorized to acquire, under this Act, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is authorized by contract or otherwise (without regard to section 6101 of title 41 , section 322 of the Act of June 30, 1932 ( 47 Stat. 412 ), as amended, 1 chapters 1 to 11 of title 40 and division C (except sections 3302, 3307(e), 3501(b), 3509, 3906, 4710, and 4711) of subtitle I of title 41, and prior to the approval of the Attorney General) to make plans, surveys, and investigations; to acquire (by purchase, donation, condemnation or otherwise), construct, erect, extend, remodel, operate, rent, lease, exchange, repair, deal with, insure, maintain, convey, sell for cash or credit, demolish, or otherwise dispose of any property, land, improvement, or interest therein; to provide approaches, utilities, and transportation facilities; to procure necessary materials, supplies, articles, equipment, and machinery; to make advance payments for leased property; to pursue to final disposition by way of compromise or otherwise, claims both for and against the United States (exclusive of claims in excess of $5,000 arising out of contracts for construction, repairs, and the purchase of supplies and materials, and claims involving administrative expenses) which are not in litigation and which have not been referred to the Department of Justice; and to convey without cost to States and political subdivisions and instrumentalities thereof property for streets and other public thoroughfares and easements for public purposes: Provided, That any instrument executed by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and purporting to convey any right, title or interest in any property acquired pursuant to this subchapter or subchapter X of this chapter shall be conclusive evidence of compliance with the provisions thereof insofar as title or other interest of any bona fide purchasers, lessees or transferees of such property is concerned. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Act, housing or community facilities constructed by the United States pursuant to the authority contained herein shall conform to the requirements of State and local laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations relating to health and sanitation, and, to the maximum extent practicable, taking into consideration the availability of materials and the requirements of national defense, any housing or community facilities, except housing or community facilities of a temporary character, constructed by the United States pursuant to the authority contained herein shall conform to the requirements of State or local laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations relating to building codes.
Before condemnation proceedings are instituted pursuant to this subchapter or subchapter X an effort shall be made to acquire the property involved by negotiation unless, because of reasonable doubt as to the identity of the owner or owners, because of the large number of persons with whom it would be necessary to negotiate, or for other reasons, the effort to acquire by negotiation would involve, in the judgment of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, such delay in acquiring the property as to be contrary to the interest of national defense. In any condemnation proceeding instituted pursuant to this subchapter or subchapter X, the court shall not order the party in possession to surrender possession in advance of final judgment unless a declaration of taking has been filed, and a deposit of the amount estimated to be just compensation has been made, under section 3114(a) to (d) of title 40, providing for such declarations. Unless title is in dispute, the court, upon application, shall promptly pay to the owner at least 75 per centum of the amount so deposited, but such payment shall be made without prejudice to any party to the proceeding.
If any real property acquired under this subchapter or subchapter X is retained after June 30, 1954, without having been used for the purposes of this Act, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall, if the original owner desires the property and pays the fair value thereof, return such property to the owner. In the event the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and the original owner do not agree as to the fair value of the property, the fair value shall be determined by three appraisers, one of whom shall be chosen by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, one by the original owner, and the third by the first two appraisers; the expenses of such determination shall be paid in equal shares by the Government and the original owner.
This Act, referred to in subsecs. (a) and (c), means act Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, 65 Stat. 293 , as amended, known as the Defense Housing and Community Facilities and Services Act of 1951. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title of 1951 Amendment note set out under section 1501 of this title and Tables.
Section 322 of the Act of June 30, 1932, referred to in subsec. (a), is section 322 of act June 30, 1932, ch. 314, 47 Stat. 412 , which was classified to section 278a of former Title 40, Public Buildings, Property, and Works, and was repealed by
Subchapter X, referred to in subsecs. (a), (b), and (c), was in the original, title IV, meaning title IV of act Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, 65 Stat. 310 , which enacted sections 1593 to 1593d of this title and was repealed by act June 30, 1953, ch. 170, §19, 67 Stat. 126 .
In subsec. (a), " section 6101 of title 41 " substituted for "section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, as amended" and "chapters 1 to 11 of title 40 and division C (except sections 3302, 3307(e), 3501(b), 3509, 3906, 4710, and 4711) of subtitle I of title 41" substituted for "the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended" on authority of
§5(c), Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1303 , which Act enacted Title 40, Public Buildings, Property, and Works, and
§6(c), Jan. 4, 2011, 124 Stat. 3854 , which Act enacted Title 41, Public Contracts.
In subsec. (b), "section 3114(a) to (d) of title 40" substituted for "the first section of the Act of February 26, 1931 ( 46 Stat. 1421 )" on authority of
§5(c), Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1303 , the first section of which enacted Title 40, Public Buildings, Property, and Works.
1982—Subsec. (a).
struck out reference to section 1136 of the Revised Statutes, which had been enacted as sections 4774 and 9774 of title 10 by act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, as amended by
1953—Subsec. (c). Act June 30, 1953, substituted "June 30, 1954" for "June 30, 1953".
effective Oct. 1, 1982, and applicable to military construction projects, and to construction and acquisition of military family housing before, on, or after such date, see section 12(a) of
set out as an Effective Date note under section 2801 of Title 10 , Armed Forces.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
Any Federal agency may, upon request of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, transfer to his jurisdiction without reimbursement any lands, improved or unimproved, or other property real or personal, considered by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to be needed or useful for housing or community facilities, or both, to be provided under this subchapter, and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is authorized to accept any such transfers. The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may also utilize any other real or personal property under his jurisdiction for the purpose of this subchapter without adjustment of the appropriations or funds involved. Any property so transferred or utilized, and any funds in connection therewith, shall be subject only to the authorizations and limitations of this subchapter. The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may, in his discretion, upon request of the Secretary of Defense or his designee, transfer to the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense without reimbursement any land, improvements, housing, or community facilities constructed or acquired under the provisions of this subchapter and considered by the Department of Defense to be required for the purposes of the said Department. Upon the transfer of any such property to the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense, the laws, rules, and regulations relating to property of the Department of Defense shall be applicable to the property so transferred, and the provisions of this subchapter and the rules and regulations issued thereunder shall no longer apply.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the acquisition by the United States of any real property pursuant to this subchapter or subchapter X of this chapter shall not deprive any State or political subdivision thereof of its civil or criminal jurisdiction in and over such property, or impair the civil or other rights under the State or local law of the inhabitants of such property. Any proceedings by the United States for the recovery of possession of any property or project acquired, developed, or constructed under this subchapter or subchapter X of this chapter may be brought in the courts of the States having jurisdiction of such causes.
Subchapter X of this chapter, referred to in text, was in the original "title IV of this Act", meaning title IV of act Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, 65 Stat. 310 , hich enacted sections 1593 to 1593d of this title and was repealed by act June 30, 1953, ch. 170, §19, 67 Stat. 126 .
The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall pay from rentals annual sums in lieu of taxes and special assessments to any State and/or political subdivision thereof, with respect to any real property, including improvements thereon, acquired and held by the Secretary under this subchapter for residential purposes (or for commercial purposes incidental thereto), whether or not such property is or has been held in the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States. The amount so paid for any year upon such property shall approximate the taxes and special assessments which would be paid to the State and/or subdivision, as the case may be, upon such property if it were not exempt from taxation and special assessments, with such allowance as may be considered by the Secretary to be appropriate for expenditures by the Federal Government for the provision or maintenance of streets, utilities, or other public services to serve such property.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
In carrying out this subchapter—
(a) notwithstanding any other provisions of this subchapter, so far as is consistent with emergency needs, contracts shall be subject to section 6101 of title 41 ;
(b) the cost-plus-a-percentage-of-cost system of contracting shall not be used, but contracts may be made on a cost-plus-a-fixed-fee basis: Provided, That the fixed fee shall not exceed 6 per centum of the estimated cost;
(c) wherever practicable, existing private and public community facilities shall be utilized or such facilities shall be extended, enlarged, or equipped in lieu of constructing new facilities; and
(d) all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to any community facilities constructed by the United States pursuant to the authority contained in this subchapter shall (if such agency is willing to accept such facility and operate the same for the purpose for which it was constructed) be disposed of to the appropriate State, city, or other local agency having responsibility for such type of facility in the area not later than one year after June 30, 1953, and subject to the conditions and requirements hereafter prescribed by the Congress.
In subsec. (a), " section 6101 of title 41 " substituted for "section 3709 of the Revised Statutes" on authority of
§6(c), Jan. 4, 2011, 124 Stat. 3854 , which Act enacted Title 41, Public Contracts.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the wages of every laborer and mechanic employed on any construction, maintenance, repair, or demolition work authorized by this subchapter shall be computed on a basic day rate of eight hours per day and work in excess of eight hours per day shall be permitted upon compensation for all hours worked in excess of eight hours per day at not less than one and one-half times the basic rate of pay.
The provisions of sections 3141–3144, 3146, and 3147 of title 40 ; of section 874 of title 18 ; and of section 3145 of title 40 , shall apply in accordance with their terms to work pursuant to this subchapter.
Any contract for loan or grant, or both, pursuant to this subchapter shall contain a provision requiring that not less than the wages prevailing in the locality, as predetermined by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to sections 3141–3144, 3146, and 3147 of title 40 , shall be paid to all laborers and mechanics employed in the construction of the project at the site thereof; and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall require certification as to compliance with the provisions of this subsection prior to making any payment under such contract.
Any contractor engaged in the development of any project financed in whole or in part with funds made available pursuant to this subchapter shall report monthly to the Secretary of Labor, and shall cause all subcontractors to report in like manner, within five days after the close of each month and on forms to be furnished by the United States Department of Labor, as to the number of persons on their respective payrolls on the particular project, the aggregate amount of such payrolls, the total man-hours worked, and itemized expenditures for materials. Any such contractor shall furnish to the Department of Labor the names and addresses of all subcontractors on the work at the earliest date practicable.
The Secretary of Labor shall prescribe appropriate standards, regulations, and procedures, which shall be observed by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in carrying out the provisions of this subchapter (and cause to be made by the Department of Labor such investigations) with respect to compliance with and enforcement of the labor standards provisions of this section, as the Secretary deems desirable.
In subsec. (b), " sections 3141–3144, 3146, and 3147 of title 40 " substituted for "the Davis-Bacon Act ( 49 Stat. 1011 ), as amended" and " section 3145 of title 40 " substituted for " title 40, United States Code , section 276c", and, in subsec. (c), " sections 3141–3144, 3146, and 3147 of title 40 " substituted for "the Davis-Bacon Act, as amended", on authority of
§5(c), Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1303 , the first section of which enacted Title 40, Public Buildings, Property, and Works.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
Moneys derived from rentals, operation, or disposition of property acquired or constructed under the provisions of this subchapter shall be available for expenses of operation, maintenance, improvement, and disposition of any such property, including the establishment of necessary reserves therefor and administrative expenses in connection therewith: Provided, That such moneys derived from rentals, operation, or disposition may be deposited in a common fund account or accounts in the Treasury: And provided further, That the moneys in such common fund account or accounts shall not exceed $5,000,000 at any time, and all moneys in excess of such amount shall be covered into miscellaneous receipts.
The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall fix fair rentals based on the value thereof as determined by the Secretary which shall be charged for housing accommodations operated under this subchapter and may prescribe the class or classes of persons who may occupy such accommodations, preferences, or priorities in the rental thereof, and the terms, conditions, and period of such occupancy.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
There are authorized to be appropriated—
(a) such sums, not exceeding $100,000,000, as may be necessary for carrying out the provisions and purposes of this subchapter relating to community facilities and services in critical defense housing areas; and
(b) such sums, not exceeding $100,000,000, as may be necessary for carrying out the provisions and purposes of this subchapter relating to housing in critical defense housing areas.
1952—Act July 14, 1952, increased appropriation authorization in subsec. (a) from $60,000,000 to $100,000,000 and in subsec. (b) from $50,000,000 to $100,000,000.
Subject to all of the limitations and restrictions of this Act, including, specifically, the requirements of subsection (c) of section 1591b of this title and of subsections (c) and (d) of section 1592h of this title , where any other officer, department, or agency is performing, or, in the determination of the President, has facilities adapted to the performance of, functions, powers and duties similar, or directly related, to any of the functions, powers and duties which the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is authorized by this subchapter to perform with respect to the construction, maintenance or operation of community facilities for recreation, and daycare centers, or the provision of community services, the President may transfer to such other officer, department, or agency any of the functions, powers, and duties authorized by this subchapter to be performed with respect thereto if he finds that such transfer will assist the furtherance of national defense activities, and upon any such transfer, funds in such amount as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall determine, but in no event in excess of the balance of any moneys appropriated to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the authorization therefor contained in this subchapter for the performance of the transferred functions, powers, and duties, may also be transferred by the President to such other officer, department, or agency: Provided, That the President, by Executive Order or otherwise, may prescribe or direct the manner in which any functions, powers, and duties, which the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is authorized by this subchapter to perform with respect to assistance for the construction, or the construction of, any community facilities, shall be administered in coordination with other officers, departments, or agencies having functions or activities related thereto.
§5(a), Sept. 9, 1965, 79 Stat. 669 ; 1970 Reorg. Plan No. 2, §102, eff. July 1, 1970, 35 F.R. 7959, 84 Stat. 2085 .)
This Act, referred to in text, means act Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, 65 Stat. 293 , known as the Defense Housing and Community Facilities and Services Act of 1951. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title of 1951 Amendment set out as a note under section 1501 of this title and Tables.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
Functions vested by law (including reorganization plan) in Bureau of the Budget or Director of Bureau of the Budget transferred to President of United States by section 101 of Reorg. Plan. No. 2, of 1970, eff. July 1, 1970, 35 F.R. 7959, 84 Stat. 2085 , set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees. Section 102 of Reorg. Plan No. 2, of 1970, redesignated Bureau of the Budget as Office of Management and Budget.
Ex. Ord. No. 10296, Oct. 2, 1951, 16 F.R. 10103, as amended by Ex. Ord. No. 10461, June 17, 1953, 18 F.R. 3513; Ex. Ord. No. 10593, Jan. 27, 1955, 20 F.R. 599; Ex. Ord. No. 10773, July 1, 1958, 23 F.R. 5061; Ex. Ord. No. 10782, Sept. 6, 1958, 23 F.R. 6971; Ex. Ord. No. 11051, Sept. 27, 1962, 27 F.R. 9683; Ex. Ord. No. 12148, July 20, 1979, 44 F.R. 43239, provided:
1. [Revoked by Ex. Ord. No. 12148, July 20, 1979, 44 F.R. 43239.]
2. [Revoked by Ex. Ord. No. 12148, July 20, 1979, 44 F.R. 43239.]
3. The Housing and Home Finance Administrator is hereby designated and empowered to perform, without the approval, ratification, or other action of the President, the function vested in the President by section 102(b) of the Act [ section 1591a(b) of this title ], relative to the suspension and relaxation of residential credit restrictions under the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended [50 App. §§2061 to 2166].
4. Except, as provided in paragraph 5 hereof, the functions authorized by Title III of the Act [ sections 1592 to 1592o of this title ] to be performed with respect to or in furtherance of the provision, maintenance, or operation of community facilities for, and with respect to or in furtherance of the provision of community services for, recreation and child day-care centers are hereby transferred to the Federal Security Administrator and shall be performed by him or by such officers and units of the Federal Security Agency as he may determine.
5. There are hereby excluded from the transfers effected by paragraph 4 hereof (a) functions with respect to site selection and land acquisition for, and the construction (including the letting of construction contracts, the preparation and approval of plans and specifications, and the supervision of construction work and of expenditures therefor) of, projects approved by the Federal Security Administrator, whether such construction is performed on behalf of, or is aided by, the Federal Government, (b) the servicing of loans for the construction of projects so approved, and (c) the functions under the second and third provisos of section 304 of the Act [ section 1592c of this title ] and those under sections 103(a) and 103(b) of the Act [sections 1591b(a) and (b) of this title]: Provided, that (1), the Federal Security Administrator or his delegate shall determine the general layout, size, and special design features appropriate to the particular type of facility, and (2) that final plans and specifications shall conform to such determinations.
6. In the performance of functions with respect to roads and highways under the Act, the Housing and Home Finance Administrator shall from time to time consult with the Secretary of Commerce or his representative as to the relationship of road and highway projects under the said Act to road and highway programs under the jurisdiction of the said Secretary.
7. In the performance of functions under Title III of the Act [ sections 1592 to 1592o of this title ] in Territories there shall be consultation with the Secretary of the Interior or his representative as to the relationship of proposed facilities and services in Territories to Territorial programs of the Department of the Interior.
8. The Housing and Home Finance Administrator, in connection with the performance of the pertinent functions vested in him by Title III of the Act [ sections 1592 to 1592o of this title ], shall obtain the approval of the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service or his representative with respect to the public health aspects of sources of water supply developed, utilized, or aided by the said Administrator, and shall consult with the Surgeon General or his representative with respect to the public health aspects of water distribution systems and sewerage systems constructed or aided by the Administrator.
9. Subject to the consent of the Housing and Home Finance Administrator, the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service shall utilize the facilities and services of the Housing and Home Finance Agency for the performance of the following aspects of the functions conferred upon him by section 316 of the Act [ section 1592o of this title ]: (a) the construction by the Federal Government of projects approved by the Surgeon General (including the letting of construction contracts, the preparation or review of plans and specifications, and the supervision of construction work and expenditures therefor), (b) land acquisition for projects to be so constructed, and (c) the obtaining of information required for the purpose of, and the furnishing of recommendations with respect to, (i) the findings provided for in sections 103(a) and 103(b) of the Act [sections 1591b(a) and (b) of this title], and (ii) the actions provided for in the second and third provisos of section 304 of the Act [ section 1592c of this title ]. The Surgeon General shall pay the Housing and Home Finance Agency for such utilization, either in advance or otherwise, out of funds available to him for the performance of such functions.
10. Subject to the consent of the Federal Security Administrator, the Housing and Home Finance Administrator shall utilize the facilities and services of the Federal Security Agency in connection with the providing of library facilities under Title III of the Act [ sections 1592 to 1592o of this title ] in such manner that the division of work with respect to library facilities as between the Housing and Home Finance Administrator and the Federal Security Administrator will be the same as that with respect to recreation and child day-care center facilities as indicated in paragraphs 4 and 5 of this order. The Housing and Home Finance Administrator shall pay the Federal Security Administrator for such utilization, either in advance or otherwise, out of funds available to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator for the performance of the functions involved.
11. Paragraphs 9 and 10 shall not be construed as a limitation upon the Surgeon General or the Housing and Home Finance Administrator, as the case may be, with respect to utilization or delegation other than that referred to in such paragraphs and not inconsistent with the provisions of such paragraphs, respectively, or as divesting either the Surgeon General or the Administrator of any function conferred upon him by the Act.
12. As used in this order the term "functions" embraces duties, powers, responsibilities, authority, or discretion, and the term "perform" may be construed to mean "exercise".
As used in this subchapter, the following terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them below, and, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, shall include the plural as well as the singular number:
(a) "State" shall mean the several States, the District of Columbia, and Territories, and possessions of the United States.
(b) "Federal agency" shall mean any executive department or officer (including the President), independent establishment, commission, board, bureau, division, or office in the executive branch of the United States Government, or other agency of the United States, including corporations in which the United States owns all or a majority of the stock, directly or indirectly.
(c) "Community facility" shall mean waterworks, sewers, sewage, garbage and refuse disposal facilities, police and fire protection facilities, public sanitary facilities, works for treatment and purification of water, libraries, hospitals and other places for the care of the sick, recreational facilities, streets and roads, and day-care centers.
(d) "Community service" shall mean the maintenance and operation of facilities for health, refuse disposal, sewage treatment, recreation, water purification, and day-care centers, and the provision of fire-protection.
(e) "National defense" shall mean (1) the operations and activities of the armed forces, the Atomic Energy Commission, or any other Government department or agency directly or indirectly and substantially concerned with the national defense, (2) other operations and activities directly or indirectly and substantially concerned with the operations and activities of the armed forces and the Atomic Energy Commission, (3) activities in connection with the Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949, as amended, or (4) the provision of community facilities or services necessary to the health, safety, or public welfare of the inhabitants of a town or community which has been relocated as a result of the acquisition (through eminent domain or purchase in lieu thereof) of its former site by or on behalf of the Atomic Energy Commission for national-defense activities.
(f) "Nonprofit agency" shall mean any agency no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private stockholder or individual.
(g) "Project" shall mean housing or community facilities acquired, developed, or constructed with financial assistance pursuant to this subchapter.
(h) "Veteran" shall mean a person, or the family of a person, who has served in the active military or naval service of the United States at any time (i) on or after September 16, 1940, and prior to July 26, 1947, (ii) on or after April 6, 1917, and prior to November 11, 1918, or (iii) on or after June 27, 1950, and prior to such date thereafter as shall be determined by the President, and who shall have been discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable or who shall be still serving therein. The term shall also include the family of a person who served in the active military or naval service of the United States within any such period and who shall have died of causes determined by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to have been service-connected.
The Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949, referred to in subsec. (e), is act Oct. 6, 1949, ch. 626, 63 Stat. 714 , which was classified generally to chapter 20 (§1571 et seq.) of Title 22 , Foreign Relations and Intercourse, prior to its repeal by act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, title V, §542(a)(5), (9) to (11), 68 Stat. 861 . For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Tables.
1991—Subsec. (h).
substituted "Secretary of Veterans Affairs" for "Veterans' Administration".
1953—Subsec. (e)(4). Act June 30, 1953, added cl. (4).
Atomic Energy Commission abolished and functions transferred by sections 5814 and 5841 of this title . See, also, Transfer of Functions notes set out under those sections.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, all functions, powers, and duties under this subchapter and section 1591b of this title with respect to health, refuse disposal, sewage treatment, and water purification shall be exercised by and vested in the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service: Provided, That the Surgeon General shall have power to delegate to any other Federal agency functions, powers, and duties with respect to construction.
"Secretary of Health and Human Services" substituted for "Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare" pursuant to section 509(b) of
which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20 , Education.
Office of Surgeon General abolished by section 3 of 1966 Reorg. Plan No. 3 eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610 , and functions thereof transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 1 of 1966 Reorg. Plan. No. 3, set out as a note under section 202 of this title . Office of Surgeon General reestablished within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, see Notice of Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Mar. 30, 1987, 52 F.R. 11754.
For expiration of authority of Housing and Home Administrator to act under this subchapter, see section 1591c of this title .
Section 1593, acts Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, title IV, §401, 65 Stat. 310 ; July 14, 1952, ch. 723, §10(d), 66 Stat. 604 , related to acquisition of land for housing and community facilities.
Section 1593a, act Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, title IV, §402, 65 Stat. 310 , related to acquisition of land for defense installations.
Section 1593b, act Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, title IV, §403, 65 Stat. 311 , related to payment of annual sums to local authorities in lieu of taxes.
Section 1593c, act Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, title IV, §404, 65 Stat. 311 , related to use of Treasury moneys.
Section 1593d, act Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, title IV, §405, 65 Stat. 311 , related to acquisition of land for privately financed defense housing.
Upon a finding by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development that the acquisition of any real property for a defense installation or industry has resulted, or will result, in the displacement of persons from their homes on such property, he may (notwithstanding any other provision of this or any other law) issue regulations pursuant to which such persons may be permitted to occupy or purchase housing for which credit restrictions established pursuant to the Defense Production Act of 1950 [ 50 U.S.C. 4501 et seq. ] have been relaxed or housing which has been provided or assisted under the provisions of this Act (including amendments to other Acts provided herein), subject to any conditions or requirements that he determines necessary for purposes of national defense.
The Defense Production Act of 1950, referred to in text, is act Sept. 8, 1950, ch. 932, 64 Stat. 798 , which is classified to chapter 55 (§4501 et seq.) of Title 50 , War and National Defense. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Tables.
This Act and herein, referred to in text, mean act Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, 65 Stat. 293 , known as the Defense Housing and Community Facilities and Services Act of 1951. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title of 1951 Amendment note set out under section 1501 of this title and Tables.
For transfer of functions to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, see note set out under section 1581 of this title .
The Secretary of Defense or his designee is authorized to enter into contracts with any eligible bidder to provide for the construction of urgently needed housing on lands owned or leased by the United States and situated on or near a military reservation or installation for the purpose of providing suitable living accommodations for military personnel of the armed services assigned to duty at the military installation at or in the area where the housing is situated. Any such contract shall provide that each housing unit in the project shall be placed under the control of the Secretary of Defense, or his designee, as soon as the unit is available for occupancy as determined by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Any such contract shall also provide that, except for stock held by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the capital stock of the mortgagor (where the mortgagor is a corporation) be transferred to the Secretary of Defense, or his designee, when the housing has been completed as determined by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Any such contract shall contain such terms and conditions as the Secretary of Defense may determine to be necessary to protect the interests of the United States. Any such contract shall provide for the furnishing by the contractor of a performance bond and a payment bond with a surety or sureties satisfactory to the Secretary of Defense, or his designee, and the furnishing of such bonds shall be deemed a sufficient compliance with the provisions of section 3131 of title 40 , and no additional bonds shall be required under such section. Before the Secretary of Defense shall enter into any contract as authorized by this section for the construction of housing, he shall invite the submission of competitive bids after advertising in the manner prescribed in chapters 221 and 241 of title 10.
For the purposes of this subchapter, the term "eligible bidder" means a person, partnership, firm, or corporation determined by the Secretary of Defense after consultation with the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (1) to be qualified by experience and financial responsibility to construct housing of the type described in subsection (a) of this section, and (2) to have submitted the lowest acceptable bid.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of Defense or his designee is authorized to acquire the capital stock of mortgagors holding property covered by a mortgage insured under title VIII of the National Housing Act as amended by the Housing Amendments of 1955 [ 12 U.S.C. 1748 et seq. ], and to exercise the rights as holder of such capital stock during the life of such mortgage and, upon the termination of the mortgage, to dissolve the corporation; to guarantee the payment of notes or other legal instruments required by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development of such mortgagors; to make payments thereon; and to guarantee and indemnify the Armed Services Housing Mortgage Insurance Fund against loss in cases where so required. All housing facilities placed under the control of the Secretary of Defense pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter shall be deemed to be housing facilities under the jurisdiction of the military department to which they are assigned.
On request by the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General shall furnish to the Secretary of Defense, or his designee, an opinion as to the sufficiency of title to any property on which it is proposed to construct housing, or on which housing has been constructed, under this section. If the opinion of the Attorney General is that the title to any such property is good and sufficient, the Secretary of Defense is authorized to guarantee, or enter into a commitment to guarantee, the mortgagee, under a mortgage on such property which is insured under title VIII of the National Housing Act [ 12 U.S.C. 1748 et seq. ], against any losses that may thereafter arise from adverse claims to title. None of the proceeds of any mortgage loan hereafter insured under such title VIII shall be used for title search and title insurance costs: Provided, That if the Secretary of Defense, or his designee, determines in the case of any housing project, that the financing of the construction of such project is impossible unless title insurance is provided, the Secretary of Defense may provide for the payment of the reasonable costs necessary for obtaining title search and title insurance. Any payments by the Secretary of Defense hereunder shall be made from the revolving fund established under section 1594a(g) 1 of this title. Any determination by the Secretary of Defense under the foregoing proviso shall be set forth in writing, together with the reasons therefor. The Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives shall be promptly notified of each such determination, and of the amount of any payment made by the Secretary of Defense for title search and title insurance costs.
The National Housing Act, referred to in subsecs. (c) and (d), is act June 27, 1934, ch. 847, 48 Stat. 1246 . Title VIII of the National Housing Act is classified generally to subchapter VIII (§1748 et seq.) of chapter 13 of Title 12 , Banks and Banking. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see section 1701 of Title 12 and Tables.
Section 1594a(g) of this title , referred to in subsec. (d), was repealed by
In subsec. (a), " section 3131 of title 40 " substituted for "section 1 of the Act of August 24, 1935 ( 49 Stat. 793 )" on authority of
§5(c), Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1303 , the first section of which enacted Title 40, Public Buildings, Property, and Works.
2021—Subsec. (a).
substituted "chapters 221 and 241 of title 10" for " section 2305 of title 10 ".
1967—Subsecs. (a) to (c).
§12(d), substituted "Secretary of Housing and Urban Development" for "Commissioner" wherever appearing.
§12(h)(1), substituted "Secretary of Defense" for "Secretary" in fourth and sixth sentences.
§12(h)(2), substituted "Secretary of Defense" for "Secretary".
§12(h)(3), substituted "Secretary of Defense" for "Secretary" in last three sentences.
1959—Subsec. (d).
1956—Subsec. (a). Act Aug. 7, 1956, §§506(b), (c), (d), 507, substituted "eligible bidder" for "eligible builder" in first sentence; substituted "the mortgagor" for "the builder" in two places in third sentence; inserted provision before last sentence, relating to furnishing by contractor of a performance bond and a payment bond with surety satisfactory to Secretary; and struck out from last sentence "with any builder" after "Before the Secretary shall enter into any contract".
Subsec. (b). Act Aug. 7, 1956, §506(b), substituted "eligible bidder" for "eligible builder".
Whenever the Secretary of Defense or his designee deems it necessary for the purpose of this subchapter, he may acquire, by purchase, donation, condemnation, or other means of transfer, any land or (with the approval of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development) (1) any housing financed with mortgages insured under title VIII of the National Housing Act [ 12 U.S.C. 1748 et seq. ] as in effect prior to August 11, 1955, or (2) any housing situated adjacent to a military installation which was (A) completed prior to July 1, 1952, (B) certified by the Department of Defense, prior to construction, as being necessary to meet an existing military family housing need and considered as military housing by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and (C) financed with mortgages insured under section 207 of the National Housing Act [ 12 U.S.C. 1713 ], or (3) any housing situated on or adjacent to a military installation which was (A) completed prior to July 1, 1952, (B) considered by the Department of Defense, prior to construction, as being necessary to meet an existing military family housing need and considered as military housing by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and (C) financed with mortgages insured under section 608 of the National Housing Act [ 12 U.S.C. 1743 ], including adjacent property constructed primarily to provide commercial facilities for the occupants of such housing. The purchase price of any such housing shall not exceed the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development's estimate of the replacement cost of such housing and related property (not including the value of any improvements installed or constructed with appropriated funds) as of the date of final endorsement for mortgage insurance reduced by an appropriate allowance representing the estimated cost of repairs and replacements necessary to restore the property to sound physical condition, as determined by the Secretary of Defense or his designee upon the advice of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Provided, That in any case where the Secretary of Defense or his designee acquires a project held by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the price paid shall not exceed the face value of the debentures (plus accrued interest thereon) which the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development issued in acquiring such project.
Notwithstanding any provision of subsection (a) to the contrary, the Secretary of Defense or his designee shall, in the manner provided in subsection (a), acquire by purchase, donation, or other means of transfer or, if the parties cannot agree upon terms for acquisition by such means, by condemnation, any housing described in clause (1) or (2) of subsection (a) of this section which is located at or near a military installation where the construction of housing under the Armed Services Housing Mortgage Insurance Program has been approved by the Secretary.
(1) Condemnation proceedings instituted pursuant to this section shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of section 3113 of title 40 , or any other applicable Federal statute. Before any such condemnation proceedings are instituted, an effort shall be made to acquire the property involved by negotiation. In any such condemnation proceedings, and in the interests of expedition, the issue of just compensation may be determined by a commission of three qualified, disinterested persons to be appointed by the court. Any commission appointed hereunder shall give full consideration to all elements of value in accordance with existing law, and shall have the powers of a master provided in subdivision (c) of rule 53 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and proceedings before it shall be governed by the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2) of subdivision (d) of such rule. Its action and report shall be determined by a majority and its findings and report shall have the effect, and be dealt with by the court in accordance with the practice prescribed in paragraph (2) of subdivision (e) of such rule. Trial of all issues, other than just compensation, shall be by the court.
(2) In any condemnation proceedings instituted to acquire any such housing, or interest therein, the court shall not order the party in possession to surrender possession in advance of final judgment unless a declaration of taking has been filed, and a deposit of the amount estimated to be just compensation has been made, under section 3114(a) to (d) of title 40. The amount of such deposit for the purpose of this section shall not in any case be less than an amount equal to the actual cost of the housing (not including the value of any improvements installed or constructed with appropriated funds) as certified by the sponsor or owner of the project to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to any statute or any regulations issued by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, reduced by the amount of the principal obligation of the mortgage outstanding at the time possession is surrendered, but any such deposit shall not include any excess mortgage proceeds or "windfalls," kickbacks and rebates received in connection with the construction of said housing as determined by the Department of Defense, or any other Federal agency. The amount of such deposit in any case where the sponsor or owner has not certified the cost of the project to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development at August 10, 1959, shall be determined by the Secretary of Defense, or his designee, in accordance with sections 3114 to 3116 and 3118 of title 40 , with a view toward accurately estimating the equity of the sponsor or owner: Provided, That in the event there is withdrawn from the registry of the court by the owner or sponsor a sum of money in excess of the final award of just compensation, this excess shall be repaid to the United States plus a sum equal to 4 per centum per annum on such excess from the time such sum is deposited in the registry of the court: Provided further, That any court in which money is deposited as provided in this section shall require the furnishing of security by the owner to protect the United States from any loss by reason of a final award of just compensation of less than the amount deposited: And provided further, That the deposit required to be made by this section shall be without prejudice to any party in the determination of just compensation. Unless title is in dispute, the court, upon application and subject to the foregoing provisions of this subsection, shall promptly pay to the owner at least 75 per centum of the amount so deposited, but such payment shall be made without prejudice to any party to the proceeding. In the event that condemnation proceedings are instituted in accordance with procedures under sections 3114 to 3116 and 3118 of title 40 , the court shall order that the amount deposited shall be paid in a lump sum or over a period not exceeding five years in accordance with stipulations executed by the parties in the proceedings. In connection with condemnation proceedings which do not utilize the procedures under such sections, the Secretary of Defense or his designee, after final judgment of the court, may pay or agree to pay in a lump sum or, in accordance with stipulations executed by the parties to the proceedings, over a period not exceeding five years the difference between the outstanding principal obligation, plus accrued interest, and the price for the property fixed by the court. Unless such payment is made in a lump sum, the unpaid balance thereof shall bear interest at the rate of 4 per centum per annum.
Property acquired under this section may be occupied, used, and improved for the purposes of this section prior to the approval of title by the Attorney General as required by sections 3111 and 3112 of title 40 .
The Secretary of Defense or his designee may, in the case of any housing acquired or to be acquired under this section, make arrangements with the mortgage whereby such mortgage will agree to release and waive all requirements of accruals for reserves for replacement, taxes, and hazard insurance provided for under the corporate charter and indenture agreement with respect to such housing, upon the execution of a written agreement by the Secretary or his designee that the purposes for which such reserves and other funds were accrued will be carried out.
Any housing acquired under this section may be (1) assigned as public quarters to military personnel and their dependents; or (2) leased to military and civilian personnel for occupancy by them and their dependents, upon such terms and conditions as will in the judgment of the Secretary of Defense or his designee be in the best interest of the United States, without loss to military personnel of their basic allowance for quarters or appropriate allotments.