Social Contract

The Social Contract is a prompt that new or returning players receive when logging into the character creation screen for the first time. At the bottom of the text prompt, they are given the option to either "Accept" the contract or "Exit Game", closing the client.

Social Contract

Hail, traveler, and welcome to the World of Warcraft! Azeroth is a living world full of people like you - other players with different backgrounds, cultures, experiences, and histories who have all come together to play World of Warcraft. Every player deserves to have a world that they feel safe in, so please take a minute to read our Social Contract.

While in Azeroth, do your best to:

We recognize that the Internet is not always a safe haven. With that in mind, please note that the following behaviors are not accepted in Azeroth:

It's a big world out there, with all sorts of people in it. So please try to be respectful of each other, and if you ever feel like somebody is acting against this code, please report those behaviors so that our team can look into it. Together, you can help us make the World of Warcraft a safe home away from home for everyone.