You will find several tools for exploring Duke’s many courses on this site, via the tabs on the right. More than just a pathway for fulfilling graduation requirements, courses allow students to explore new ideas, themselves, and the world. We encourage students to think not only about preparing for future job, but also about preparing for a lifetime of learning and global citizenship.
You will also find links to access registration, course catalogs, and other resources on this page.
Archives Alive courses enable students to develop innovative and significant projects based on original materials held in the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library. These courses are open to first-year and upper-class students and range from the arts and humanities to the socials sciences. Scholar-teachers guide students’ explorations, providing first-hand exposure to advanced research practices and immersive learning that goes beyond traditional coursework. Students produce signature products that demonstrate their capabilities for in-depth investigation, team collaboration and communicating the significance of their work to others.